Dream House

New Beginning

When we think about Eastern and Western spirituality there is one core component in both of them: No matter where people are, spirituality makes a conscious effort to free people from the influence of ego. The ultimate intention of people is to jump over their shadow, the ego. As I watched The Secret-movie about the…

How the Mirror Works II

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”231″ align=”right” effect=”none” size=”medium” fitMobile=”true” autoHeight=”true”]It was a disappointment that the Indian government banned the documentary film ‘India’s Daughter’ made by Leslee Udwin. But my disappointment was even bigger when the videos of that film uploaded to Youtube were removed. According to some articles the government of India wanted them to be removed….

How the Mirror Works I

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”231″ align=”right” effect=”none” size=”medium” fitMobile=”true” autoHeight=”true”]On the fifth of March I watched in Youtube the documentary of Leslee Udwin ‘India’s Daughter’, which tells about the incident on the 16th of December, 2012 when a 23 year old physiotherapy student was raped and brutalised so badly in India that she died. As could be…

Work out to be fit!

My second important body renewing and cleansing detox-program is physiotherapy. The most important detox program is naturally mental and spiritual growth. In 35 years I have gone a long way also in regard to physiotherapy, although I have considered the spiritual aspect as more important. The starting point was miserable as doctors and therapists said…

Greeting from the Building Site

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”221″ align=”right” effect=”grayscale” size=”medium” autoHeight=”true”] The building site I am referring to in the title is my body, because I am seeing my body as a big building site now and I have fallen in love with its workers: the micro-organisms, who take care of my health. I am responsible that they have…


Light Therapy for Lightbearers

I had hardly made me clear that I have to focus on rehabilitation of the energy body, when I bumped into biophotons as I was searching information on the Internet about the healing effects of light. In the beginning of the 20th century a Russian researcher Alexander Gurwitsch detected that all cells emit an extremely…

Energy Centers

New Rehabilitation Plan

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.We are spiritual beings having a human experience.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin I have followed a school medicine physiotherapy program over 30 years, in which we have trained my body and focused on body control: on the activation and strengthening of muscles and muscle groups. Physiotherapy has been…