
My friend had left me but I had instantly found another friend, André, with whom I could talk about all kinds of things. I suddenly seemed to have an opinion on every issue. I was not only interested in matters that directly affected my own life, but I felt that I was affected by everything….

Our All-seeing Third Eye

In the beginning of my text Awakening I write that as I woke up after being one week in coma I had a vague memory of the words of the book Illusions of Richard Bach, according to which there is a power in every one of us, which draws to us every experience we confront…

Rising above Circumstances

In my text Awareness and the Law of Attraction I wrote that awareness about the Law of Attraction brought into my mind a memory from my childhood: As I read fairy tales my heart was sighing every time when an unfortunate lot was turning magically into jubilant victory. This happened after the death of my…

A monarch butterfly just hatched from a cocoon with no real wings


As I woke up from coma in the beginning of 1979 I had a feeling that some kind of miracle had happened to me. To my mind there are no miracles as such. I thought that the universe hardly operates against its own natural laws. A miracle was in my mind a sudden incident where…

Mother in Memoriam

My mother has always had a special place in my heart. When I was a child the connection between us was tangible: She was a part of me. Merely a glance between us was often enough to calm me down. She was a dress maker and I enjoyed watching her working:she took her blue measuring…

Study Plans

Just before the fatal New Years Eve I had finished the curriculum of my school. I had only the final exam before me that was needed to seal the school education.I had accomplished the first tests as I was in rehabilitation centre. In spring 1980 I completed the second part of the exam. Someone thought…

Out of Pure Friendship

One year after the stroke, in the New Year’s Eve 1979, I was feeling like a newborn child. My former life time had passed by and nothing new was built to replace it. I felt that I had an endless amount of blank paper before me, on which I could create my life just as…

We all have our role to play

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust As I got my handicap I had from the very beginning the feeling that it was not so important to have many different kind of experiences. More important was that I learned to see my experiences from…