God is Almighty

AutoTranslate[prisna-google-website-translator]  Fabricated Reality versus Common Sense and Truth Last spring, I read about an interview on a site where James Wickstrom, an American radio presenter, interviews Rabbi Abe Finkelstein on Judaism. Someone had made a word-for-word report of it. The interview was appalling and insane without parallel. When my own life is determined with common…

Tiedonanto: AlterG-avoimet ovet Ortonissa 12.-16.8.2019

 Olen kirjoittanut pari artikkelia kävelykuntoutuksestani AlterG-matolla. Painovoiman säätelyyn (Alter Gravity) perustuva painokevennetty kävely on mullistava liikuntamuoto. Se antaa potkua silloin, kun voimasi alkavat hiipua, kun tunnet itsesi voimattomaksi ja haluttomaksi, kun kehon paino tuntuu liian raskaalta tai kun sinulla on kipuja. Tai kun haluat malttamattomasti päästä entiseen vauhtiin ja parantaa suoritustasi. Painokevennetyn kävelyn ja juoksun…

All Have the Same Desire

On Saturday, June 29, 2016, a Pride event was held in Helsinki and nearly 100,000 people marched in the spirit of love in rainbow colors. My friend sent me the song Toive kaikilla sama (All have the same desire) performed by Jorma Uotinen, which is about the desire of man to be loved by someone….

Post-Truth Era and Spiritual Growth

AutoTranslate[prisna-google-website-translator] Objective facts and rules of logic affect people’s lives less than good stories that define and guide our lives. However, people apply rules of logic in their personal lives. We become prisoners of our thoughts and habits. We consider our own predictability and good reputation as reliability. Everyone wants to be trustworthy or at least…

Post-Truth Era – What Has Happened to Knowledge?

The Truth Cast Adrift When I have read advertisements of the country’s largest daily newspaper about “moving to a post-truth Era” I have been pondering what might this directly suggest. Generally speaking, the saying refers to circumstances, where objective facts affect public opinion less than relying on emotions and personal convictions. In practice, it has…

Uuden vuoden haaste

Minun uusi vuosi lähti varsinaisesti käyntiin vasta kun sain Kelalta tämän vuoden kuntoutuspäätöksen 18. helmikuuta. Päätös vähän viivästyi, sillä hakemukseni oli kiertänyt asiantuntijalääkärin (Kelan termi) käsittelyssä. Kun sain päätöksen, liikutuksen kyyneleet nousivat silmiini, kuten aikaisempinakin vuosina, kun Kela on järjestänyt minulle kuntoutusta. Kela on saanut viime vuosina niin paljon kuraa päällensä, että haluan nyt kertoa…

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord

What Does the Phrase “In The Name Of Jesus” Mean in the Quantum Field We Are Living in?

Blessed is the one who comes inChrist Consciousness! Numerology and gematria are doctrines based on the notion that like colors that are light vibrating at different frequencies, numbers and letters (shapes) are also energy vibrating to their own frequency. The number 666, the mark of the beast, which is associated with Satan and life-destroying forces…