Share Your Deepest Thoughts and Feelings with the World

AutoTranslate[prisna-google-website-translator] One of the reasons for me to open this blog was that at the age of 40 I noticed that I did not dare to express my opinion on some issues. I was extremely disappointed with myself, because dishonesty towards myself meant that I was not honest with other people either. I have always…

White Guilt

The image beside this paragraph, “White silence is violence” is one of the slogans of the Black Lives Matter- movement. The uprising resists the dominance of the white race and “institutional racism”, that is to say the social structures that suppress the black population. I understood that the slogan urges white people to rise up…

History of the Future

It is said that we must understand history in order to understand or even predict the future. I believe that the distorted historical interpretation distorts man’s image of reality just as much as the false assumptions of science. However, finding durable solutions to various problems would definitely require us to have the most truthful image…

AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill

Sometimes when I was watching astronauts walking on the moon, I imagined in my mind what would weightless movement feel like in my body. I got some sense of it last week when I tested unweighted walking on the AlterG treadmill. AlterG treadmill is originally designed for NASA astronauts to exercise in space. Lack of…

The Value of an Individual

Jesus and the Bible began to affect my life more than 30 years ago, but I have never really believed that Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for my sins. I think the idea is as confusing as the medieval indulgence trading practice of the Catholic Church, which meant that the pope gave a remission due…

Jesus Lifts Your Energy

I wrote in my article God’s Temple in my Heart about my experience, when I became a believer in 1983. That is to say, when Jesus and the Bible started influencing my life. It has been a complete mystery to me, what happened during the weekend when my attitude to myself and everything else totally…

Rehabilitation Challenges II

Be Your Authentic Self I have written this two-part article for over two months. It has been a very unpleasant experience, because when it comes to my rehabilitation, I want to focus on what works well. Not on, what has gone wrong. However, I think it is important to share my experience, because I believe…