Share your light

Focusing Energy – Share Your Light

In the 1970s, rationalisation was the watchword as companies sought to rationalise their operations, for example by eliminating duplicated activities and focusing on their core business. This meant that companies clarified their job descriptions and cut out the clutter that was unnecessary for their main business. The aim was to make operations more efficient by…

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Change Requires Focus of Energy

The secret of change is to focus all your energy on building the new, not criticizing or fighting the old. Finland is in the midst of government negotiations following the elections three months ago. Politician and banker Björn Wahlroos says that right people are now leading the government negotiations. Accompanied by the CEO of the…

Winter War: fake treelines

Finland Has Never Fought Against Russia

Yesterday I watched a YouTube video about the 1939 Winter War, Finland’s war against the Soviet Union. The video highlighted the fact that the Finns defended their homeland without proper equipment for warfare, with nothing but guts and determination. Nevertheless, Finland’s losses were minimal compared to those of the Soviet Union. I remembered that years…

Quantum leap into your heart

Will we stop the vicious circle of exploitation or Will we create a reality that matches our preferences?

Take a quantum leap into your heart The future is not in the hands of chance, but in your hands.You should not wait for it, but conquer it. Last week I watched videos of Belgian-born Anneke Lucas telling how she was sold by her mother at the age of six into an international pedophile network…


Avustajabisnes ja sen aiheuttaman hullunmyllyn nostattamia mietteitä

Pohjoismaissa kansalaisten hyvinvointipalvelut muodostavat suuren osan maiden kansantulosta. Aikaisemmin palveluiden järjestäminen oli täysin julkisen sektorin vastuulla. Palveluiden tuotto oli valvottua ja työntekijöillä oli minimivaatimukset osaamisen ja kielitaidon suhteen. Perinteisesti julkisen sektorin järjestämiä palveluita ei ole pidetty varsinaisena liiketoimintana, sillä siinähän vain ”kierrätetään kansalaisten maksamia veroja”. Yritykset toitottavat suureen ääneen oman toimintansa tuottaman lisäarvon hyödystä yhteiskunnalle,…