Hello World, Happy New Year 2015!

Gregg Braden talks in an interview he gave to Romanian television about the relation of science and spirituality and how do the false scientific approach influence the world. The problems of this world are caused by the wrong assumptions of science which are: The last assumption, the Darwinistic competition ideal has probably the strongest impact…

Wake Up!

One year ago the site had technical problems, which scattered my concentration immensely. The site was functioning like a thought until June-July 2013 when one system update got the whole site in disorder. The problems came to an end only after I had rebuilt the site– or at least I thought so. Since I got…

Quite Another Matter

Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis I have been wondering how can people give so clear opinions of the situation. I am sure that on average people know as little as I do what is really happening in Ukraine. It has bothered me why didn’t the European Union and the international community do nothing…

Play with Common Sense

Last weekend a daily newspaper published a question of a Hong Kong elementary school admissions test. The children had as much as twenty seconds time to answer the question. I myself could not figure out the answer within that time. I was too eager to see what kind of a trick was involved in that…

Money is a bad motivator

Money Is a Bad Motivator

The so called developed societies today operate as irrationally as companies that employ telemarketers for a short time on commission and pay them according to numbers (statistics) they show without making sure that the sales are real. Telemarketers think only about their personal income and may send people unfounded invoices without thinking a bit about…

Powerful Lightbearers

The Thrive – movie tries to find an answer for example to the weird situation, why haven’t free energy technologies got out of test laboratories, although their concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout the world. The biggest reason for that is said to be the economical interests of the traditional energy producers…

Homo Sapiens vs. Homo Economicus

The strong belief of Alan Greenspan to the free capitalistic market economy is based on his perception of human being as a rational thinking creature. The core idea of capitalistic market economy and free competition is incorporated in the term homo economicus. A human being has rational mind and when homo economicus makes rational choices…