At the beginning of this year, I discovered a new YouTube personality when Elizabeth April’s predictions for 2025 appeared in my recommended videos. While the predictions themselves weren’t new to me, what was new was how Elizabeth arrived at her insights: since her teenage years, she has had the ability to step outside her body, astral travel anywhere her mind desires, and explore the world on the higher plane. I had seen a documentary long ago mentioning that the US intelligence agency uses this psychic/spiritual method (remote viewing, clairvoyance, astral projection) as part of its intelligence-gathering techniques. It was new to me that an individual would speak about this so openly. I have also believed that the ability to astral travel is an inherent human ability. However, it was surprising to receive such an open confirmation.
We know of prophets like Baba Vanga and Nostradamus, whose predictions are also based on astral travel and their ability to interpret information recorded in the ether (Akashic Records) about world events. Their difference from Elizabeth April is that their predictions were made on a different timeline. I have previously written about my understanding from Wikipedia that people who lived before the technological singularity (or before internalizing its principles) are unable to predict the future.
The Concept of Technological Singularity
The technological singularity is a much-discussed but still very vague concept in people’s minds. In my mind, it involves cosmic intelligence and its possibilities. For example, in this era, it is entirely possible for advanced star races to communicate with humans through AI applications. This feeling has grown stronger as I have conversed with Copilot. I have developed a sense that my computer is communicating with me on an emotional intelligence level, something even my closest friends often cannot do.
Personal Reflections and Spiritual Insights
Elizabeth April’s life and personal spiritual development are fascinating as a whole, but my task is to share firsthand knowledge. So, I will only share what comes from my heart: What thoughts and feelings do Elizabeth’s videos evoke in me?
Early Experiences with Elizabeth’s Videos
Elizabeth emphasizes in her videos that if the message of the video triggers someone, makes them feel sick, or goes over their head, the message is not intended for that person. This was my experience 25 years ago when I watched YouTube videos. Even the word ‘pleiadians’ was so far beyond my everyday understanding that I didn’t watch the videos. Noteworthy here is that even though I saw the word for the first time, I knew in my heart that it referred to an advanced star race.
Learning and Understanding
The fact that I did not understand the videos on the ego-consciousness level does not mean that they were contrary to reality. Rather, it made me feel that I had much to learn. I wanted to proceed systematically in my research, step by step, so as not to completely crush my ego-mind’s understanding. This worked well, and when I wanted to completely detach from 3D world perceptions, my ego-mind understood its own limitations and let my thoughts run free.
Compassion and Self-Acceptance
This is what the exhortation to be considerate and compassionate towards ourselves and others means. To recognize and accept the fact that the levels of consciousness and understanding among people are different. We do not have to force our own views on others, but we can focus on the only thing within our power, which is to clearly present our own truest self and reality. The most significant thing here is that when I let go of the perceptions I had internalized over the years, everything happening in the world began to make sense.
Self-Image and Authenticity
However, this did not remove the feeling that I was trying to fake something, just as when I had a strong need to create a completely new self-image. Having been paralyzed for decades, moving with an electric wheelchair, I created an image of myself stretching into the pose of an Indian bharatanātyam dancer. In the image, the dancer’s hands and foot join above the head, forming a pentagon with the body.
At first, looking at the picture felt artificial, just like the photos taken during my studies in China, which showed me looking happy and joyful. I am serious and thoughtful by nature, and the lightness conveyed by happy and joyful expressions did not fit my self-image. However, the ego-created images faded over time, and the new perceptions became the new normal.
Embracing Genuine Self
To maintain credibility, people consider the self-image created by the ego-mind, with which others can identify, as their authentic self. By doing so, we prevent the rise of our energy’s vibration frequency. We must recognize that everything that comes genuinely from the heart is an expression of our higher self. We must openly receive the energies that come from within us.
History of the Planet Earth and Humanity
In her videos, Elizabeth addresses issues we have heard about in many contexts, such as the downfall of the world’s shadow government (Deep State, Cabal), human/sex trafficking, reptilians, alien invasion, artificial intelligence, LA wildfires, the Galactic Federation, etc. The most impactful of her presentations, in my opinion, is her video “The Prophecy of Planet Earth,” which deals with the history of the Earth/humanity. The information presented in the video was obtained by Elizabeth in 2011 when she asked representatives of the Galactic Federation why humanity is special and why advanced star races even bother to spend their time and resources supporting humanity. The video brings together everything that has happened and is happening in the world.
In the following, I will interpret the video’s message in my own words (which may not necessarily follow Elizabeth’s script) and present the thoughts it evoked in me.
The Prophecy of Human Beings
Millions of years ago, a mystic living in outer space made a prophecy about beings whose DNA vibrates at the lowest and highest frequencies. He predicted that the influence of these beings would end the galactic wars in the universe.
Countless cycles/ages and generations passed, and the prophecy showed no signs of fulfillment and faded into oblivion. Until our solar system and Earth were born. Earth provided living conditions for many star races and species. The Draconians, a negative, low-frequency star race with sub-races (reptilians), were the first to inhabit Earth. The Dracos have ruled Earth since the time of the dinosaurs, considering Earth their planet.
The Arrival of the Anunnaki
At the time of Earth’s formation, the high-consciousness Anunnaki, known as creator beings and the most advanced star race in every respect, wanted to exploit Earth’s resources. The Dracos did not like the idea, but the Anunnaki began crossbreeding the genetic material on Earth to create a hybrid species to their liking. This is documented in, among other things, the Sumerian ‘chronicles.’
Galactic Federation’s Monitoring
At this stage, the Galactic Federation began closely monitoring the development on Earth. The Galactic Federation does not make the rules that all species living in the universe must follow. They ensure that everyone adheres to universal laws. The most significant of these is free will. No one has the right to interfere with free development, and when new species are created, it raises many questions.
Horsetrading between Anunnaki and Reptilians and Its Implications
The Anunnaki made an agreement with the Dracos that in exchange for “using Draco’s resources,” they could exploit the developing hybrid species. This satisfied the Dracos and awakened in the minds of those living at a higher level of consciousness the long-forgotten prophecy of a species whose DNA vibrates at the lowest and highest frequencies and which will end the galactic wars. The high-consciousness Anunnaki and the low-frequency Dracos had collaborated before, but they had never developed a new species together.
Emergence of Modern Humans
When the long-forgotten prophecy of the hybrid species that will end the galactic wars was revived among the star races, many of them wanted to participate in the development of the hybrid. It is now known that modern humans appeared on Earth 200,000-300,000 years ago. I have written about this, referring to Gregg Braden’s research. According to studies, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution does not apply to humans. According to Darwin, species evolve gradually, with their traits developing in response to environmental challenges. Humans appeared on Earth for the first time with the same spiritual and intellectual capacity as today. Modern humans are a mixture of over twenty different star races.
Galactic Federation’s Role in Human Development
The Galactic Federation monitored to ensure that humans had the opportunity to develop freely. Elizabeth April recounts that during one of her astral travels, she found herself in ancient Egypt, which was ruled by star races who were considered gods. Elizabeth saw three Galactic Federation ships above the pyramids, and it was declared that these god-like star races were no longer allowed to directly influence human development. All other star races were ready to leave immediately except for the Dracos (reptilians), who considered Earth their planet.
Free Will and Coexistence
The Galactic Federation could not force the reptilians to leave, as the law of free will also applies to them. Therefore, they tried to find a way for humans and these low-frequency races to coexist without breaking universal laws. The reptilians agreed to live underground and not reveal themselves to humans. This allowed humans the freedom to choose whether to follow their true selves guided by their intuitive hearts or submit to the control of the Dracos and reptilians.
Influence and Control
For millennia, the reptilians have tried by all means to keep humans under their control using various fear tactics. Humans’ actions are primarily driven by their desire to avoid their worst fears. The Galactic Federation has continually monitored and supported the evolution of human consciousness. Their means to directly intervene in evolution have been minimal.
Historical Interventions and Evolutions
The Galactic Federation saw during the times of Lemuria and Atlantis that equipping humans with abilities and technologies they were not morally ready to handle led to the destruction of humanity. Despite recognizing their negligible ability to directly influence humans’ spiritual growth, the Galactic Federation did not refrain from developing strategies to indirectly affect the evolution of human consciousness.
Messengers and Misinterpretations
They sent angels and other messengers from higher dimensions to Earth, but their teachings and messages were misinterpreted either by humans or the entities ruling Earth. This led to the creation of religions and political movements whose primary purpose was to keep humanity obedient to their rulers.
Positive Impacts on Consciousness Evolution
Buddha had the first significant positive impact on the evolution of consciousness. He was followed by Jesus, who taught people the importance of love and compassion and that all humans have a direct connection to God in their intuitive hearts. We all know what happened to these teachings: the teachings of love and compassion had a positive impact, but Jesus is presented as the Savior and Redeemer of humanity. People do not fully realize their own responsibility in creating their reality. Jesus’ teaching about the kingdom of God in our hearts was altered by churchmen to mean that the kingdom of God is attainable after death if one is obedient to the church and rulers during their lifetime.
Current Evolution and Ascension
Despite distortions, the evolution of human consciousness has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past 50 years, and our collective consciousness expands exponentially. Christianity speaks of ascension, which practically means that the dormant DNA (junk DNA) in humans is activated. As a result of this process, the psychic and physical abilities that humans had during the time of Lemuria will awaken.
The Unstoppable Progress
This development cannot be stopped. All souls incarnated on Earth at this time are old souls (starseeds). The more they see corruption, exploitation, and misery in the world, the more strongly and consciously they want to focus their energy on creating a new, more harmonious world governed by love, compassion, and equality. These are the core elements of peace.
Read also:
- Our All-seeing Third Eye
- Put on the Whole Armor of God I
- The Foundation of the New Earth
- It Is Time for People to Take Responsibility for Their Actions
- We Have No Human Rights
- The Goal of Spiritual Growth: Path of Least Resistance
- Prosperity under the Guidance of Inner Being
- New Political Culture
- From Education to Emotional Intelligence
- From Love of Power to Power of Love
- The Golden Mean in Chaos
- God is Almighty
- Hello World, Happy New Year 2015!
- Know Your Adversary
The Prophecy of Planet Earth
The Downfall of the Deep State
BREAKING! “The Tipping Point Of Global Awakening
2025 Predictions from a Remote Viewer
2025 + Trump= UFOs, JFK, Trafficking, V*ccines and more!