Ponte toda la armadura de Dios I

El apóstol Pablo escribió a los efesios: «Revestíos de toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis resistir las asechanzas del diablo. Porque no luchamos contra la carne y la sangre, sino contra los gobernantes, contra las autoridades, contra los poderes cósmicos sobre esta oscuridad presente, contra las fuerzas espirituales del mal en los lugares…

Happy Year of the Tiger 2022!

For thousands of years, the world has been dominated by masculine energy. Masculinity has nothing to do with gender. There is both masculine and feminine energy in all people, for the force of life is negatively and positively charged as naturally as the English word live reads backwards evil. Life itself constantly seeks to balance…

It Is Time to Rehabilitate Mankind IV – Restoring the Honor of Humanity

The picture above touches my heart. It reminds me that we rise like a phoenix from the ashes when we stick to the basics, use common sense and work together constructively. The ruins on the left are the Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche, 1743-1945) in Dresden, which collapsed due to extreme heat and structural damage…

Las semillas de diente de león se dispersan en el viento contra un cielo azul despejado, simbolizando el renacimiento de la humanidad y un futuro maravilloso.

Wonderful Future – The Renaissance of Humanity

The Great Reset: A New Social Contract and Technological Singularity Human mental and spiritual development lags significantly behind technological advancements. Our social structures often resemble the house-building of fools, where contractors, after completing the house, realized there were no windows and attempted to carry daylight inside using sacks. Irrational action is simply due to people…

Man at the Crossroads (Diego Rivera, 1886-1957)

Humanity at the Crossroads

Although I made a decision a year ago, not to split my energy by following today’s politics, I have followed the aftermath of US presidential election in the alternative media. Electoral fraud was also evident in Finland during the last election, but Finnish politicians and citizens with sheeple mentality did not rumble at all about…

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord

What Does the Phrase «In The Name Of Jesus» Mean in the Quantum Field We Are Living in?

Blessed is the one who comes inChrist Consciousness! Numerology and gematria are doctrines based on the notion that like colors that are light vibrating at different frequencies, numbers and letters (shapes) are also energy vibrating to their own frequency. The number 666, the mark of the beast, which is associated with Satan and life-destroying forces…