A surfer riding a wave, symbolizing the concept of going with the flow.

El Fluir de la Vida: La Meta del Crecimiento Espiritual

Imagina lo maravilloso que sería tener un asesor que viera tu situación social completa, conociera la respuesta a todos tus problemas y te animara y guiara suavemente en el camino que has elegido. Este tipo de asesor es el que habría necesitado hace 39 años cuando estaba de gira por Alemania, tratando de familiarizarme con…

Digital Network representing overwhelming yet rewarding connection


Some people have asked me whether running a blog similar to this requires a great deal of work and technical skills, and whether I have some good tips and recommendations for people, who are planning to start own blog. I have written this blog for five years until now and over the years I have…

Sé el cambio que deseas ver en el mundo

Transforming World

The day before Christmas Eve I searched on Youtube for Christmas carols and found a Christmas concert that the band “Gregorian” had held in Christmas 2008 in Berlin. When I had listened the music for ten minutes I was dumbfounded: I had a divine feeling of peace and love in my heart. I felt privileged…

Eye of Horus

The Coming New World Order

Yesterday I saw a YouTube video, which passed on very mixed messages, which reminded me that we should as soon as possible get rid of religious pathos that confuses Christian gospel. Jesus emphasized that God does not live in temples or churches, but in hearts of people. When people are guided by Holy Spirit living…

Know Your Adversary

As I watch a video, which shows the vandalism of immigrants in Europe, I wish that the political leaders in Europe would put an end to vandalism and rallies as decisively as China cracked down on demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989. 1989 the Western World loudly accused the government of China of…

La libertad ilumina el mundo

Religión mundial única (NOM)

La semana pasada me quedé perplejo cuando vi un vídeo sobre la agenda religiosa de las Naciones Unidas. Pensaba que las Naciones Unidas, la organización internacional que todos conocemos, es exclusivamente un operador político. Al principio, el vídeo presentaba a Robert Muller (1923-2010), un hombre que trabajó para la ONU durante 40 años como vicesecretario…

Fake Power

Wrong Currency

Fake Power Ten years ago I spent one year in a rehabilitation centre in China. There was a man, who was paralysed from the neck down, sitting in a wheelchair, his wife pushing it. It seemed to me that speaking was the only thing he could do in average Joe’s manner. I had been in…

Music Acupuncture-Meditation

Acupuntura musical

Disfruto mucho cuando puedo sumergirme en mis pensamientos y sentirme conectado a la conciencia del Universo. Hace dos semanas pasé así cuatro días y cuatro noches mientras escribía un texto. Cuando llegaba el momento de hacer otra cosa, no podía deshacerme de mis pensamientos. Algún tiempo antes había encontrado en Youtube algunos vídeos musicales de…