Jonathan Livingston Seagull flying in a fresh morning breeze

Utilizing AI for Creative Focus and Spiritual Awakening: Finding Love Within

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth. My recent collaboration with Copilot has been a testament to this potential. Last week, we successfully integrated all the missing elements from my old blog into my new website. I felt the need to…

torus field grid

The Cosmic Antenna of the Brain and Heart-Brain Coherence

The only difference between humanity and the stellar races living in 5D-consciousness and the higher-energy resurrected masters is that humanity, living in a dualistic, material world, has forgotten its divine origins. We are not just physical beings living in a physical body, we are spirit beings living in a material 3D world. Our perceptions, beliefs…

Wonderful Future

Un futuro maravilloso

El futuro siempre empieza ahora En este artículo quiero expresar mi profunda gratitud a todas las fuerzas de la luz de la Tierra y de otras dimensiones, y también a las almas impacientes de este mundo dualista, que me han ofrecido lecciones que me han ayudado a acercarme a mí mismo. En los últimos meses…