Jonathan Livingston seagull flying and having astral travel in a mysterious environment

Elizabeth April – Insights Gained Through Astral Travels and Remote Viewing

At the beginning of this year, I discovered a new YouTube personality when Elizabeth April’s predictions for 2025 appeared in my recommended videos. While the predictions themselves weren’t new to me, what was new was how Elizabeth arrived at her insights: since her teenage years, she has had the ability to step outside her body,…

Ponte toda la armadura de Dios I

El apóstol Pablo escribió a los efesios: «Revestíos de toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis resistir las asechanzas del diablo. Porque no luchamos contra la carne y la sangre, sino contra los gobernantes, contra las autoridades, contra los poderes cósmicos sobre esta oscuridad presente, contra las fuerzas espirituales del mal en los lugares…