Breaking the Glass Ceiling1

¿Qué queremos creer I?

Romper el techo de cristal Hace tres semanas tuve un encuentro desagradable con un médico. Hace cuatro años me diagnosticaron cáncer de riñón, lo que llevó a la extirpación del riñón. Gracias a la operación, la metástasis del cáncer desapareció. Sin embargo, la operación me dejó graves lesiones nerviosas, que limitaron aún más mi movilidad…

into the light

School for Free Souls

A miracle happened to me last week: my older sister called me. I have three sisters – two older and one younger – and we are completely different people by nature. Keeping in touch has been a challenge, to say the least. I have only ever been able to keep in touch with my younger…

Who am I?

45 years ago in the New Year’s Eve I had a stroke in brain and after a week in coma I found myself in hospital totally paralysed and unable to speak. After a half year hospital treatment I got a place in rehabilitation centre. Cold winter and the Christmas Star blossoming on the windowsill in…