A monarch butterfly just hatched from a cocoon with no real wings


Cuando desperté del coma a principios de 1979, sentí que me había sucedido algún tipo de milagro. En mi mente no existen milagros como tales. Pensé que el universo difícilmente opera en contra de sus propias leyes naturales. Un milagro era, en mi mente, un incidente repentino donde las cosas encajan. Cuando un milagro generalmente…

Big Boom

The Ignition of the Divine Spark

Half a year before I became disabled I travelled in Germany with an organisation promoting international exchange and explored German society and culture. My discoveries provoked a tremendous culture shock in me, which brought my concepts in chaos. I felt that I could not build anything on the values of this world. Everything appeared to…

Like a phoenix from the ashes

Foretaste of Forthcoming

Before opening this blog on the 3rd July 2012 at 11:11 AM I have already made a little quantum jump: merely writing the basis for this blog has been a tremendous experience. My whole being is convincing me that I found a sustainable ground for my life in the lyrics of an ancient oriental hymn…