A surfer riding a wave, symbolizing the concept of going with the flow.

Imagine how wonderful it would be to have an advisor who understands your unique social status, knows the answers to all your problems, and gently guides you forward on the path you have chosen.

This is the kind of advisor I would have needed 39 years ago when I was touring Germany, trying to immerse myself in its culture. I had an overwhelming feeling that everything I saw in the material world was like a theater concealing the source from which everything emanated. At that time, I didn’t have a conscious advisor to turn to.

I felt terrible for months. However, I managed to reconcile with myself, believing that everything happening to us is ultimately for our benefit. The next morning, I couldn’t move, talk, or eat, and my friend called an ambulance to take me to the hospital.

After a week of unconsciousness, I woke up in a hospital connected to a ventilator. I still couldn’t speak and was completely paralyzed. I could only move my right leg, which gave me immense relief as my limbs felt like they were burning. I communicated by blinking my eyes.

Although my situation seemed hopeless, I had an incredibly positive feeling. I was grateful for feeling so good, despite the unbearable burning in my limbs. I was grateful to be alive and mentally clear. I couldn’t speak, but I could answer questions rationally. I asked myself what could be worse than being unable to speak.

My mind painted a picture of a person who couldn’t express their thoughts rationally or even speak the simplest words. These thoughts made me feel even more grateful.

When I watched the movie “The Secret” and became familiar with the Law of Attraction, I gradually realized that I had invoked my illness and disability through my thoughts. This idea was confusing: on one hand, I understood the power of my thoughts. On the other hand, the movie emphasized the importance of positive emotions and joy in the creative process, which made me feel like my disability was a mistake caused by negative feelings. Self-accusations stemming from this idea were overwhelming.

Abraham Hicks

When I first watched “The Secret” on YouTube five years ago, the most impressive figure in the movie was Esther Hicks (Abraham). However, when I ordered DVD copies of the movie for my friends, Esther Hicks had been edited out and replaced by two other “teachers.” I felt cheated, as if the best part had been cut from the movie.

Esther Hicks channels the infinite intelligence of the Universe, known as Abraham. We can call Abraham intuition, inner voice, Holy Spirit, Archangel Michael, or the voice of our collective consciousness, Christ Consciousness. Regardless of the name, Abraham’s teachings resonate with me because they make sense. Intuitively, I know they come from the source. Listening to Abraham makes me realize how conditioned I am by the thinking models of this world, even though I have written about similar topics in this blog. We just use different vocabulary.

Although I regard Abraham as a voice from Christ Consciousness, it doesn’t mean I always share the same opinion. In some cases, my experiences differ, and I listen to my own experiences. Different experiences don’t mean Abraham is wrong; I might have misunderstood the message or interpreted my feelings incorrectly. To approach my intentions wholeheartedly, I need to stay open-minded.


Abraham speaks of the contrast (duality) of positive and negative (energy), while I speak of the complementary effect of Yin and Yang energies and their continuous drive for balance. Abraham emphasizes the importance of joy and positive thoughts, but negative feelings and bad vibes are not inherently bad. Negative emotions indicate that a person has activated a desire to create conditions matching their preference. Contrasts are indispensable; we can only know what we want by learning the effects of different life forms and states of matter. Contrasts guide us in spiritual growth, which is never-ending. There’s no right or wrong way to act; the driving force behind everything is what enhances our well-being in each situation.

Vortex – Gateway

Abraham talks about the vortex and urges us to find any excuse to enter it. I refer to zero-point energy or the fountain of life, where the ego (our opponent) has no effect. I experienced this state when I woke up in the hospital after a week of unconsciousness. I was so happy in that zero-point state that I decided to push myself into that vortex occasionally in the future. Later, I realized this is the foundation of meditation.

Thirty-nine years ago, I didn’t know my advisor, my inner being, who is my true self. However, she was living in my heart and guided me despite the nonspecific expressions I gave her. When I reached a dead end and thought that everything happening to us is for our benefit, my inner being took me to the vortex. It was the best thing that could have happened to me in that situation because it was a gateway to a new world.

My feelings indicated that I wanted to grow mentally and spiritually, and as a disabled person, I had access to the school of life, learning more about life in five years than in the nineteen years before my disability.

The best part is that I now have a connection with my advisor, allowing me to lead my life purposefully with my inner being in accordance with the Law of Attraction. The Universe fulfills itself through natural laws and supports our well-being when we allow it.

Flow: Path of Least Resistance

Most people think the concept of the “path of least resistance” is a form of non-violent (political) influence, like Mahatma Gandhi. However, it’s a vague description. In a spiritual sense, the “path of least resistance” is more than determined action to achieve a goal.

It encompasses what Abraham calls “the secret behind the Secret.” The Law of Attraction is not a secret. The most significant aspect is that we are divine beings, and each of us creates our own reality. When we let our internal navigation guide us, the Law of Attraction works for our benefit and supports our well-being in every respect. From this perspective, the “path of least resistance” primarily refers to how we treat ourselves: do we let our inner being guide our lives, or do we live at the level of ego-consciousness in this limited time-space reality?

According to Abraham, negative emotions and bad feelings indicate that our ego’s thoughts contradict the insight of our inner being. When we consider murders, rapes, and terrorist attacks that have become part of our daily life, the idea that bad feelings created by these deeds contradict our inner being’s insight seems far-fetched.

We’re used to thinking that our inner being, guided by the Holy Ghost, defends all good things and that our bad feelings indicate our inner being wants us to condemn evil deeds. However, we must remember that our inner being sees things from God’s perspective. The Holy Ghost, Christ Consciousness, the divine energy field, is pure positive energy with no contrast of positive and negative, Yin and Yang energies. It doesn’t categorize or judge things; its state is the highest possible vibration.

Breaking the Chains of Thought

In my article “Who am I?” I quoted Richard Bach (from Jonathan Livingston Seagull): “Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip, is nothing more than your thought itself in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body too.”

I then asked myself how this breaking of chains of thought happens in practice when our entire lives are caught in thoughts. I thought that only death could release us from thoughts and this limited time-space reality. But that’s not the case; everything happens on a spiritual level.

The material world and our physical body are part of the universal energy field, where similar things vibrate at the same frequency and attract each other. When the vibrational frequency of the energy field generated by our physical body rises, it starts attracting different things. When the frequency reaches a certain level, we no longer attract murders, rapes, terrorist attacks, and other things that bring us down. Our ego tunes to the frequency of our inner being, meaning we have surpassed our shadow, the ego.

Abraham says we shouldn’t think so much at the level of ego-consciousness but wait for ideas and inspirations from our hearts and visualize with our inner being’s insight. Then, the thought patterns of this material time-space reality and our five senses will no longer limit us. When we break the chains of our soul, we break the chains of our physical being too.