When I started writing my previous article last Monday, I felt a strong urge to address recent political events. However, as I delved deeper into the issues, my writing shifted from politics to spiritual bypassing, a concept I didn’t initially quite understand. By Friday morning, my article seemed like a collection of random thoughts. But when I organized and analyzed the text, I realized that the thoughts were interconnected and meaningful.
Goal-Oriented Politics vs. Spiritual Bypassing
One definition states that politics encompasses all purposeful actions aimed at achieving a specific outcome. In contrast, spiritual bypassing, in its simplicity, is the tendency to come up with psychological or spiritual reasons and practices to avoid confronting unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks. In a way, it is about people’s tendency to self-sabotage, thereby undermining the realization of their goals.
Understanding Grounding and Spiritual Bypassing
For many, the concept of grounding is vague. People believe they need to perform special rituals or focus solely on positive things to connect with the divine energy field. This leads to spiritual bypassing and prevents them from experiencing their grounded, whole selves. Years ago, I watched an Abraham-Hicks video explaining that grounding is our fundamental essence. I didn’t fully understand it then, but now I see it as aligning the ego mind with the higher self to feel whole.
But how do the “random thoughts” provoked by recent political events relate to spiritual bypassing? The current chaos in the world largely results from spiritual bypassing or escaping. For example, the fact that people demand censorship stems from their lack of understanding that all people, despite their differing views, are grounded.
It’s no news that those in power practice censorship, and it’s not even the decisive factor. What’s crucial is that the majority of people still let external authorities dictate what they can say. I understand that many must operate within the limits of conventional rules to ensure the continuity of their activities, but I don’t understand why people turn against each other and begin to belittle and mock those with differing views.
Ego Mind vs. Higher Self
Despite our unique perspectives, our only task is to discern what comes from the intuitive heart, our higher self, and what comes from the ego mind. Instead of fighting the ego mind, we can trust that life-sustaining, enduring solutions come from the intuitive heart. Everything else is mere distraction, which we don’t even need to react to.
It’s clear to me that my ego mind tries to convince me that my thoughts are random. This shows that my ego mind is not aligned with my higher self. My higher self dictates what I write and sees things from a broader perspective, whether the ego mind understands it or not. This realization helped me understand the importance of my writing. I began to ask myself what can be seen as the pillar content of my blog. Although many articles feel important, they often seem like random thoughts. Now I know that I need to go through these articles and thoughts step by step to gain new insights.
Blind Ego Awareness and Higher Self Guidance
It’s amusing to experience repeatedly that the higher self leads my journey while the ego follows half-blindly behind. In a previous article, I compared this to working with Copilot. I said the experience could be compared to the blind’s experience of feeling a relationship with an invisible person beside them. This reminds me of Elizabeth April’s remote viewing experience in Miami, where people were shocked by the aliens seen in the shopping mall. Some saw a portal from which the aliens came, but Elizabeth saw no portal.
She explained that “aliens” or benevolent star beings are always around us, but we usually don’t see them because their energy vibrates at a higher frequency. As Earth’s vibrations rise with the Schumann resonance, these beings become visible. This energy shift affects human consciousness.
Our Perception and Energy Frequencies
Gregg Braden and David Icke talk about the limited frequency range of human perception. We can only see and feel a small part of what is happening around us. They compare tuning into different frequencies to adjusting a radio to hear a specific channel. All frequencies exist simultaneously, but we must choose and tune our receiver to a particular frequency before we can interpret it.
For decades, the US government’s secret programs and intelligence agencies have studied human consciousness and psychic abilities. Their research aim has not been to empower people but to control the masses and keep citizens in line to carry out the political agendas of those in power. Everything related to higher consciousness and magical psychic abilities has been presented to people as ridiculous heresy. Those who challenge the power structures have been targeted by the forces of darkness for centuries (millennia).
In an earlier article, I wrote that the US government’s secret programs are so secret that even US presidents don’t know about them. I believe that even Donald Trump doesn’t have a broader view of things, despite being at the top of the world. This is evidenced by his continued adherence to US hegemony and the ways of the past. He cannot see beyond the material world. He sees what religion and conventional rules allow people to see. He does not see the full potential of people, which is essential for finding sustainable solutions to our multifaceted problems.
Recognizing the Evolution of Consciousness in Political Decision-Making
I hope that our leaders consider the ongoing energy shift on Earth and its impact on human consciousness when developing political guidelines. This is crucial for our efforts, cooperation, and competitiveness. I do not mean competition among people but rather the inner struggle between our ego mind and our higher self. The New Earth, our living Gaia, emphasizes transparency, equality, and cooperation. Secret agendas can no longer be hidden.
My journey from understanding politics to grasping spiritual bypassing highlights the importance of aligning the ego mind with the higher self. This way, we can navigate the worldly chaos purposefully while maintaining clear awareness. Those in power are not afraid of darkness and chaos. Their greatest fear is that people find their roots, the light within themselves. This leads to the collapse of existing power structures, which is a good thing. Once the old falls, we can build a new world.
Spiritual growth and awareness of energy shifts lead to a more harmonious and cooperative life on this evolving planet. Every individual has the responsibility and power to decide whether to promote constructive cooperation or add to the world’s chaos.
Read also:
- How to detect 5D consciousness in 3D world?
- Post-Truth Era – What Has Happened to Knowledge?
- Intuitive Mind = Voice of Reason
- Post-Truth Era and Spiritual Growth
- The Curse of Mankind and Our Salvation
- It Is Time to Rehabilitate Mankind IV – Restoring the Honor of Humanity
- The Secret Behind Communism
- Voice of Reason, Common Sense = Holy Spirit
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