Escalation of Zelensky’s and Trump’s Negotiation
After finishing my previous article, I checked the news and saw an article about Trump and Zelensky’s meeting at the White House. Trump literally threw Zelensky out, and they didn’t even have the planned dinner.
Personal Reflections: Independence and Manipulation
Seeing their confrontation made me laugh. It reminded me of my own experiences in the 1980s after my stroke, when situations often escalated if the other side tried to manipulate me or had their own expectations of how I should be. I wanted to preserve my independence despite relying on others’ help.
Zelensky’s Stance to Preserve Ukraine’s Sovereignty
The night before this incident, I saw a video where Zelensky said he wouldn’t trade Ukraine’s independence and sovereignty. For the first time, Zelensky appeared sympathetic to me. Until now, I couldn’t tell if he was a fish or a bird.
I feel that Trump has wanted Zelensky to sell his country’s natural resources in exchange for negotiations. This has been an immoral starting point from the beginning. Thus, Trump shows that he ultimately serves the interests of the Deep State’s Zionist oligarchs.
Facts Behind the War in Ukraine
Remember, the violent coup and war in Ukraine began in January 2014, right after Ukraine’s then-president Viktor Yanukovich and China’s president Xi Jinping negotiated over $2.6 billion in agreements for developing Ukraine’s agriculture and infrastructure. This formed a serious conflict of interest. Since the beginning of the Ukraine war, it has simply been a battle over who benefits from Ukraine’s natural resources.
Historical Parallels: WWII and Hitler’s Struggle
This escalation of interests in the Ukraine war reminded me that history repeats itself: in the final phases of WWII, Hitler was in a similar situation. In April 1945, Hitler stated his stance on surrender demands: “Since 1943, I have continuously tried to make peace, but the Allies do not want it and have demanded unconditional surrender from the beginning. My personal fate does not matter, but it is clear to any reasonable person that I cannot accept the unconditional surrender of the German people.”
Hitler’s Quest for Sovereignty and Financial Independence
Hitler did not trade his country’s sovereignty. His policies to lift the German people from the misery caused by WWI were based on breaking free from the debt slavery of the global financial elite, Zionist oligarchs. He launched his own currency, which was the cornerstone of the national socialist economy. Its value was tied to the German people’s labor and its results, not how the international banking cartel wanted to value it. There were no intermediaries in the economy that eroded common welfare. Welfare was distributed to ordinary citizens instead of the banking cartel.
Current Conflicts and Global Interests
We know what happened to the German people, but thank God we are now on a different timeline. Nothing hidden remains hidden, and complex political patterns can be traced. The Ukraine war and the decades-long war in the Middle East offer humanity a unique opportunity to cleanse the accumulated karma that burdens our collective consciousness. It remains to be seen how long Donald Trump can deceive people. I look forward to the day when Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu faces the same treatment as Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky.