Donald Trump Opposes BRICS Currency and Warns of Tariffs
Donald Trump opposes the proposed common currency of the BRICS countries and issued a warning that any country intending to join it and thus challenge the position of the ‘mighty dollar’ can expect 100% tariffs when trading with the United States. No statement from Trump gives a clearer picture that he is trying to create a new world by clinging to old 3D operational models.
The phrase ‘mighty dollar’ particularly caught my attention. Trump and his billionaire club need to clarify for themselves whether it is the ‘mighty dollar’ or the ‘mighty God’ that runs the world, i.e., whom they want to serve. Do Trump and his associates really want to support a monetary system that is the root cause of the problems prevailing in America and around the world, or do they want to return to the natural 5D order of God and the universe?
We have been conditioned to think that active action is the be-all and end-all. In the 3D world we live in, this usually means more or less aggressive action at the level of ego consciousness, aiming to make things happen according to one’s preferences without regard for the whole. At worst, this requires selective consideration of factual truth, demonizing the opponent, and outright lying. However, no independent state or person should improve their competitive position at the expense of others, as it always backfires in one way or another.
Neither Trump nor anyone else on his team can dictate how the universe (the intelligent energy field in which we live) operates. When we want to succeed and create constructive cooperation, we must humble ourselves, rise above time and space, jump over our shadow (ego), and find a connection with other creative forces. Creating a connection requires only common sense after we have detached ourselves from the dependencies that bind us and do not serve new creation.
Will China End the War in Ukraine?
Donald Trump has suggested that China should take an active role in ending the war in Ukraine. “Why would they do that?” I ask myself. Why would the Chinese put their spoon in a soup they have had less influence on than the United States’ influence on the war in Syria?
As I ponder these thoughts, I recall an article “Quite Another Matter” that I wrote in September 2014 after the coup in Ukraine. In late 2013, I read articles in Chinese media in both English and Chinese, stating that then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Chinese President Xi Jinping had negotiated over $2.6 billion in investments in Ukraine’s agriculture, aviation, energy industry, financial markets, and infrastructure development. Western media wrote nothing about these intentions, but I do not believe they were fake news.
From this perspective, the claim that Russia has invaded Ukraine is completely absurd. Russia may have even recommended that China invest in Ukraine. And this does not suit the United States, as it wants to maintain its hegemony in Europe and preferably throughout Eurasia. I believe this is a more likely reason for the coup in Ukraine. As a condition for ending the war, China could now bring up its old memorandums of understanding and demand their implementation. This would be a win-win scenario for all parties.
Peace Through Strength or Strength Through Joy
Trump has launched the concept of ‘peace through strength,’ which likely means military power and the age-old model of enforcing peace. However, no one needs to be forced into peace, as peace is the natural state of humans. Peace is only broken by endless conflicts created by big egos. Forced peace may temporarily end the fighting. Since it usually involves forcing the weaker party to follow the rules dictated by the stronger, the battle continues internally within individuals unless they themselves create peace in their hearts.
Peace arises naturally in a joyful and loving mind/heart. Adolf Hitler launched the socio-political program “Kraft durch Freude” (strength through joy) in 1933, which boosted Germany’s competitiveness in an undefined way. Within a few years, millions of unemployed people had been employed as people were able to focus on higher goals of becoming the best version of themselves, rather than on meeting the basic needs of life.
This should be the core idea of all political programs. Improving public administration, dismantling the jungle of rules and bureaucratic nightmares, and reducing costs are not goals in themselves, even from an economic perspective. These are tactics aimed at strategic savings and increased productivity. A more effective means is to ensure that people do not even need to create bureaucratic nightmares and that they can help themselves. I believe that the goal of ordinary people is to be happy and joyful so that they can share the energies of abundance with others. When we want to act constructively, it is best to let things develop on their own in a spirit of cooperation.
Full Disclosure
When we want to help ourselves become the best version of ourselves, we should demand the full disclosure of UAP and UFO phenomena. The video messages from our galactic family also encourage this. So far, the media and various events have mainly discussed the material aspect of these phenomena and the technology related to them. However, in terms of the actual matter, these have as little significance as money: money does not make the world go round. The most essential thing is the intellectual energy field of the universe, Christ consciousness (cosmic intelligence), which is our collective consciousness. We all have the same origin and destination.
I believe that the messages from our galactic family, living in 5D consciousness, refer to this. Devices and technology are just tools, just as money is a manifestation of the energy of abundance and a means of exchange. I wrote about this in January 2024 in the article “The Energy of Abundance and High Vibration Frequency.” Money is thus part of our spirituality, but if we let it dictate to whom we share our energy, it unnecessarily limits our lives. The crucial thing is to rise above matter, time, and space and view everything through the eyes of our soul.
Whenever we focus solely on tools and devices and orient ourselves according to them, we limit our lives. The most important thing in everything is our inner work, internalizing Christ consciousness (cosmic intelligence), and witnessing it. We do not need to wait for governments and ‘experts’ to reveal hidden information to us, as everyone has access to collective consciousness in their intuitive heart. It is not only a prerequisite for success in the 3D world but also helps us connect with star races – our galactic family – living in 5D consciousness and ascended masters.
Despite the fact that we all have immediate access to collective consciousness in our intuitive hearts, the comprehensive public handling of UAP phenomena is crucial because it helps us understand the deeper truths of the universe and transcend our current limitations. Technology and tools can support our spiritual journey, but they should not be the focus. The most important thing is that we use these tools as means for inner growth and expanding consciousness.
When we recognize cosmic intelligence and our galactic family, we can experience both personal and collective transformation. It inspires us to live in harmony with the higher principles of the universe. This awareness helps us create communities based on love, understanding, and a common goal.
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