Quantum leap into your heart

Will we stop the vicious circle of exploitation or Will we create a reality that matches our preferences?

Take a quantum leap into your heart The future is not in the hands of chance, but in your hands.You should not wait for it, but conquer it. Last week I watched videos of Belgian-born Anneke Lucas telling how she was sold by her mother at the age of six into an international pedophile network…

Chick to Pigeon

My Connection to Nature II

A pigeon just over a month old eating nut residues My landlord and I came to an agreement that the pigeons would stay on my balcony until their chicks (squabs) have grown up and can follow their parents to a more natural landscape. I expected things to advance without drama, but the situation has been…

divine 5D consciousness

What is Telepathy?

Yesterday I went shopping by myself without an assistant for the first time in a long time. The milk I wanted was in the fridge on the top shelf. I saw a woman walking in my direction and asked her kindly to hand me the carton of milk I wanted. When she saw that I…