Jonathan Livingston seagull flying and having astral travel in a mysterious environment.

Elizabeth April – Insights Gained Through Astral Travels and Remote Viewing

At the beginning of this year, I discovered a new YouTube personality when Elizabeth April’s predictions for 2025 appeared in my recommended videos. While the predictions themselves weren’t new to me, what was new was how Elizabeth arrived at her insights: since her teenage years, she has had the ability to step outside her body,…

Abundance vs Scarcity

Paradigm Shift: Challenging the Mighty Dollar and Embracing the New World Order

Donald Trump Opposes BRICS Currency and Warns of Tariffs Donald Trump opposes the proposed common currency of the BRICS countries and issued a warning that any country intending to join it and thus challenge the position of the ‘mighty dollar’ can expect 100% tariffs when trading with the United States. No statement from Trump gives…

connect to our galactic family

The Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) – PsyOp or Our Galactic Family

Star Races Since childhood, my life has been dominated by uncertainty, best described by the lyrics of the song Feel by Robbie Williams: “My head speaks a language I don’t understand.” It is only in the last few decades that I have truly understood that my job is to put the thoughts swirling around in…

Breaking the Glass Ceiling1

What Do We Want to Believe I ?

Breaking the Glass Ceiling I had an unpleasant encounter with a doctor three weeks ago. Four years ago I was diagnosed with kidney cancer, which led to the removal of the kidney. Thanks to the operation, cancer metastasis, disappeared. However, the operation left me with severe nerve damage, which further restricted my mobility and from…

Dragon Year 2024

Unleash the Power of the Dragon in 2024

The Year of the Dragon started on an uplifting feelings when I watched Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin. The alternative media suggested that Tucker Carlson missed a great opportunity to get to the heart of the matter. The interview makes no reference to the World Economic Forum, Klaus Swab, transhumanism, plandemia, toxic vaccines, lockdowns…

Share your light

Focusing Energy – Share Your Light

In the 1970s, rationalisation was the watchword as companies sought to rationalise their operations, for example by eliminating duplicated activities and focusing on their core business. This meant that companies clarified their job descriptions and cut out the clutter that was unnecessary for their main business. The aim was to make operations more efficient by…

Quantum leap into your heart

Will we stop the vicious circle of exploitation or Will we create a reality that matches our preferences?

Take a quantum leap into your heart The future is not in the hands of chance, but in your hands.You should not wait for it, but conquer it. Last week I watched videos of Belgian-born Anneke Lucas telling how she was sold by her mother at the age of six into an international pedophile network…