
Avustajabisnes ja sen aiheuttaman hullunmyllyn nostattamia mietteitä

Pohjoismaissa kansalaisten hyvinvointipalvelut muodostavat suuren osan maiden kansantulosta. Aikaisemmin palveluiden järjestäminen oli täysin julkisen sektorin vastuulla. Palveluiden tuotto oli valvottua ja työntekijöillä oli minimivaatimukset osaamisen ja kielitaidon suhteen. Perinteisesti julkisen sektorin järjestämiä palveluita ei ole pidetty varsinaisena liiketoimintana, sillä siinähän vain ”kierrätetään kansalaisten maksamia veroja”. Yritykset toitottavat suureen ääneen oman toimintansa tuottaman lisäarvon hyödystä yhteiskunnalle,…

God is Almighty

AutoTranslate[prisna-google-website-translator]  Fabricated Reality versus Common Sense and Truth Last spring, I read about an interview on a site where James Wickstrom, an American radio presenter, interviews Rabbi Abe Finkelstein on Judaism. Someone had made a word-for-word report of it. The interview was appalling and insane without parallel. When my own life is determined with common…

Post-Truth Era – What Has Happened to Knowledge?

The Truth Cast Adrift When I have read advertisements of the country’s largest daily newspaper about “moving to a post-truth Era” I have been pondering what might this directly suggest. Generally speaking, the saying refers to circumstances, where objective facts affect public opinion less than relying on emotions and personal convictions. In practice, it has…

Share Your Deepest Thoughts and Feelings with the World

AutoTranslate[prisna-google-website-translator] One of the reasons for me to open this blog was that at the age of 40 I noticed that I did not dare to express my opinion on some issues. I was extremely disappointed with myself, because dishonesty towards myself meant that I was not honest with other people either. I have always…

Jesus Lifts Your Energy

I wrote in my article God’s Temple in my Heart about my experience, when I became a believer in 1983. That is to say, when Jesus and the Bible started influencing my life. It has been a complete mystery to me, what happened during the weekend when my attitude to myself and everything else totally…

Rehabilitation Challenges II

Be Your Authentic Self I have written this two-part article for over two months. It has been a very unpleasant experience, because when it comes to my rehabilitation, I want to focus on what works well. Not on, what has gone wrong. However, I think it is important to share my experience, because I believe…

Know Your Adversary

As I watch a video, which shows the vandalism of immigrants in Europe, I wish that the political leaders in Europe would put an end to vandalism and rallies as decisively as China cracked down on demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989. 1989 the Western World loudly accused the government of China of…