A bright picture of Earth from space with planets and other space elements, including portals to other worlds

Embracing Change: Creating a New World with Open Hearts and Minds

Introduction The idea of our galactic family and the existence of the Galactic Federation fascinates many. For years, we have heard about the impending technological advancements: medbeds that allow us to heal instantly, free energy that powers our homes, anti-gravity technology that revolutionizes movement, and a vision of a harmonious, loving world. Despite these expectations,…

Abundance vs Scarcity

Paradigm Shift: Challenging the Mighty Dollar and Embracing the New World Order

Donald Trump Opposes BRICS Currency and Warns of Tariffs Donald Trump opposes the proposed common currency of the BRICS countries and issued a warning that any country intending to join it and thus challenge the position of the ‘mighty dollar’ can expect 100% tariffs when trading with the United States. No statement from Trump gives…

Redemption through sin

Redemption Through Sin – The Legacy of Sabbetai Tsvi

Many have certainly asked themselves how is it possible that Judaism, which itself cherishes high morals and righteousness and social justice, has given rise to a belief system like Zionism that keeps the world in its iron grip. This is for many an insurmountable contradiction and when people don’t understand it, claims about Zionism are…

Rehabilitation Challenges II

Be Your Authentic Self I have written this two-part article for over two months. It has been a very unpleasant experience, because when it comes to my rehabilitation, I want to focus on what works well. Not on, what has gone wrong. However, I think it is important to share my experience, because I believe…


It is good that after the unpredictable year of the Monkey comes the year of the Rooster. The Fire Monkey messed everything up and the Rooster as a sharp, analytical thinker and a practical systematic actor creates a new order. Globally it certainly effects most that Donald Trump was made president by the Monkey. Trump…

Trump versus Clinton

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”3363″ align=”left” effect=”none” size=”large” fitMobile=”true” autoHeight=”true”] [image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”3378″ alt=”Hillary Clinton” align=”right” effect=”none” size=”medium” fitMobile=”true” autoHeight=”true”] [divider_padding] Last week the Finnish public television aired a documentary (Ulkolinja: Clinton vastaan Trump (The Choice 2016) that presented childhoods and career developments of the presidential candidates of the USA. About Hillary Clinton I had already seen…