torus field grid

The Cosmic Antenna of the Brain and Heart-Brain Coherence

The only difference between humanity and the stellar races living in 5D-consciousness and the higher-energy resurrected masters is that humanity, living in a dualistic, material world, has forgotten its divine origins. We are not just physical beings living in a physical body, we are spirit beings living in a material 3D world. Our perceptions, beliefs…

White Guilt

The image beside this paragraph, “White silence is violence” is one of the slogans of the Black Lives Matter- movement. The uprising resists the dominance of the white race and “institutional racism”, that is to say the social structures that suppress the black population. I understood that the slogan urges white people to rise up…

Alter Ego – Our Matted Coat

Marley’s Story “Animal cops” is a TV series that without fail lifts up my mood. In the program animal rescue team and officials take neglected animals into custody, give them necessary health care and seek a new owner for each animal. Two months ago I saw an episode, in which the animal rescue team received…

Dream House

New Beginning

When we think about Eastern and Western spirituality there is one core component in both of them: No matter where people are, spirituality makes a conscious effort to free people from the influence of ego. The ultimate intention of people is to jump over their shadow, the ego. As I watched The Secret-movie about the…

God’s Temple in my Heart

I wrote in my article ‘The Battle between Material and Spiritual Wealth’ that the divine part of the subconscious mind is like a water well, hidden deep in a forest under moss, leaves and brushwood. No-one can see that under the surface layers is a well, the inexhaustible fountain of life. The surface layers are…

The Origins of Knowledge

Sometimes we can read articles, what makes people so special that we have over time evolved into sovereign rulers of other species. First of all it is said to be the virtue of our incomparable brains. Moreover the focus moves to our hands and especially to the mobility of our fingers, which gives humans a…

Homo Sapiens vs. Homo Economicus

The strong belief of Alan Greenspan to the free capitalistic market economy is based on his perception of human being as a rational thinking creature. The core idea of capitalistic market economy and free competition is incorporated in the term homo economicus. A human being has rational mind and when homo economicus makes rational choices…