Global Compact for Migration (GCM): Should it Promote Human Rights or the Political Agenda of the Globalists?

The United Nations member states are expected to accept (sign) in Marrakesh, Morocco on the 10-11 December 2018 the United Nations Convention on Immigration and Migration (Global Compact for Migration or Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration). In Morocco the agreement will be voted on and it will be clarified, whether there is…

Nation States: Strength of the European Union

[divider_line] Recently published book claims that in autumn 2015 Angela Merkel wanted to close borders also from refugees. The Welt magazine reporter Robin Alexander writes in his book “Die Getriebenen – Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik: Report aus dem Inneren der Macht“ that deals with Angela Merkels immigration policy, that on 12. September 2015 the top political administration…

Civilized Dictatorship as a Solution to Problems of Immigration

In the last decades we have seen how indecisive the Western democracy is dealing with immigration. Just a few years ago EU and other countries of democratic block emphasized our common values, and politicians expressed their goal to strengthen citizens’ trust to decision makers by keeping up values acknowledged by everyone. Despite the large number…

Know Your Adversary

As I watch a video, which shows the vandalism of immigrants in Europe, I wish that the political leaders in Europe would put an end to vandalism and rallies as decisively as China cracked down on demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989. 1989 the Western World loudly accused the government of China of…

What the Fuck??!!

Political youth organizations have make it their business to suppress the alternative media net publication MV News (Mitä Vittua??!! – What the Fuck??!!). The chairpersons of the organizations have the opinion that the publication provokes hatred towards minorities, refugees and disadvantaged people in the society. They think that the articles of the publication try to…

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We Have No Human Rights

Our fight is not with people. It is against the leaders and the powers and the spirits of darkness in this world. It is against the demon world that works in the heavens. (Ephesians 6:12) Worldly Environment David Icke tells in the video called ‘Archons’ about old Gnostic texts that were found in Upper Egypt…