Quantum leap into your heart

Will we stop the vicious circle of exploitation or Will we create a reality that matches our preferences?

Take a quantum leap into your heart The future is not in the hands of chance, but in your hands.You should not wait for it, but conquer it. Last week I watched videos of Belgian-born Anneke Lucas telling how she was sold by her mother at the age of six into an international pedophile network…

Global Compact for Migration (GCM): Should it Promote Human Rights or the Political Agenda of the Globalists?

The United Nations member states are expected to accept (sign) in Marrakesh, Morocco on the 10-11 December 2018 the United Nations Convention on Immigration and Migration (Global Compact for Migration or Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration). In Morocco the agreement will be voted on and it will be clarified, whether there is…

Rehabilitation Challenges I

In the title the word ‘rehabilitation’ refers to physical and mental rehabilitation that play an important part in my own life, but in general the other meaning of ‘rehabilitation’, which is to restore reputation and prestige applies to all people. Restoration of prestige in a sense that we understand our real value, our divine origin…

Total Relaxation

I describe in my text ‘Emotional Intelligence in Function’ how some exercises helped me in the beginning of the 1980s open the Pandora’s box hidden in my body. God knows what would have happened, if I knew in that time what I know now. Although everything seemed so crazy and scary that time it is…