Blessing in Disguise

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”3307″ align=”right” effect=”none” size=”medium” fitMobile=”true” autoHeight=”true”]July 13 I planned to have a hair cut. Half an hour before my appointment, I put my shoes and jacket on and headed towards the mall, where the barbershop is located. I had plenty of time, as driving there takes only 5 to 10 minutes. I switched…

Dream House

New Beginning

When we think about Eastern and Western spirituality there is one core component in both of them: No matter where people are, spirituality makes a conscious effort to free people from the influence of ego. The ultimate intention of people is to jump over their shadow, the ego. As I watched The Secret-movie about the…

Farsighted Development I

In the middle of October I was very surprised to read news about the acquisition between a Finnish video game development company, Supercell and a Japanese telecommunications and Internet corporation SoftBank and a video game company GungHo. The acquisition brought the Finnish counterparts 1,1 billion (11*100 million) euros. The news surprised me, because I had…

We Create Our Own Reality

In my previous text Rehabilitation I ask, why did I, who never even caught a cold suddenly found myself in a hospital connected to a ventilator. While I have been turning this question in my mind now, there is a worldwide discussion going on about the safety of birth control pills. According to the news…

Our All-seeing Third Eye

In the beginning of my text Awakening I write that as I woke up after being one week in coma I had a vague memory of the words of the book Illusions of Richard Bach, according to which there is a power in every one of us, which draws to us every experience we confront…

What happened to me?

In my text Foretaste of Forthcoming I write that I found a sustainable ground for my life over 30 years ago in the lyrics of an ancient oriental hymn. I am glad that I can stand tall now and say: this is how it happened. But as everything was happening to me I did not…