In my article ” Paradigm Shift: Challenging the Mighty Dollar and Embracing the New World Order” I suggested that Donald Trump is trying to create a new world by clinging to the models of the old world. When I listened to Trump’s inauguration speech, I asked myself, who does he think he can deceive with his rhetoric? It felt like Trump wasn’t genuinely himself, but rather sounded like he was strictly following a script.
This thought came to mind when I read Janus Putkonen’s article, where he comments on Trump’s plans to end the war in Ukraine. Putkonen is a Finnish theater director and journalist who has lived in Donetsk, Ukraine, since 2015. He founded the Doni News agency, which reports on the affairs of the Donetsk People’s Republic. In Finland, he has been the editor-in-chief of MV-media since 2019.
Breaking the Illusion: Geopolitical Realities and the Path to Innovation
In his article, Janus Putkonen harshly criticizes Trump’s approach to the war in Ukraine, especially his threats against Russia. He says that anyone who has conducted impartial research knows that Russia is not the aggressor in Ukraine. I wrote about this in September 2014 in the article “Quite another matter”.
At the end of 2013, Ukraine’s then-president Viktor Yanukovich and China’s president Xi Jinping had negotiated over $2.6 billion in investments in Ukraine’s agriculture, aviation, energy industry, financial markets, and infrastructure development. This did not suit the United States, as it wants to maintain its global hegemony. The violent power shift in Ukraine began immediately at the beginning of 2014.
Janus Putkonen writes in his article that the violent coup in Ukraine was a response orchestrated by the USA and NATO to a conflict of interest, and it has been so all along. Ukraine is said to be the last stronghold of the world’s shadow government (Deep State). I have no closer information on the matter other than that when I started this blog, I heard that many have blocked all internet traffic from Ukraine because it only brings harassment. I did not block Ukrainian traffic myself, which in hindsight might have been wise: perhaps the collapse of my first blog was the result of cyberattacks.
From Shadows to Light: The Quest for Truth in a Changing Global World
The past decade has shown more clearly than ever that truth-tellers around the world are being silenced. Ordinary people, however, want everything to happen as transparently as possible and expect everyone to bring out their truest selves. We demand the disclosure of information related to UFO and UAP phenomena, lunar research, the assassination of J.F. Kennedy, the collapse of the WTC towers, etc. Complete disclosure is also demanded for the war in Ukraine, World War II, and the reasons behind the demonization of Hitler.
Transparency and Change: Challenging Hegemony and Embracing Transformation
The demand for complete transparency is not just about who is right and who is wrong. It is about revealing the truth and understanding broader geopolitical dynamics. Unless we acknowledge our mistakes, we tend to repeat them just as an alcoholic cannot overcome their addiction without admitting they are an alcoholic.
Only complete transparency helps us understand the driving force behind events, and we can find sustainable solutions to conflicts. Clinging to false narratives prevents us from resonating with truth, peace, and freedom. We cannot serve two masters, truth and lie.
Openness as a Prerequisite for Free Competition
In addition to the disagreements caused by the war in Ukraine, there has been an uproar in the USA due to Elon Musk’s influence on new political alignments. Elon Musk’s crude comment “fuck yourself in the face” regarding the H-1B immigration visa has caused shocking criticism. From the beginning, Donald Trump has opposed immigration with the aim of strengthening the position of the American workforce. Now technocrats believe that Americans are ‘retarded’ and do not have the intellectual capacity to meet future technological challenges.
This is the stance of Elon Musk and many other technology giants. However, their statements give the impression that they would prefer to see people with microchips enhanced biological robots rather than as independent individuals with high consciousness, whose highest value is mutual compassion and cooperation. This shows that they themselves do not have a clear understanding of future technological possibilities, let alone that the human mind can directly connect with cosmic intelligence and the quantum field, which each of us is an antenna for.
A Call for Clarity: Understanding Power Dynamics and the Path to Innovation
Ultimately, it is about who is given the right to bring forth their abilities and innovations. So far, American inventors’ products have not been freely distributed if they have threatened the economic interests of technocrats, pharmaceutical giants, and other ‘chosen ones.’ Suppressed technologies include all technologies related to the harnessing of primary energy in energy production (free energy technology), anti-gravity technologies, the use of quantum/primary energy in healthcare, etc. In one of his videos, Jean Nolan lists the technologies banned by law.
Donald Trump immediately declassified a large number of documents upon taking office. He has a big task in cleaning up his own backyard. His biggest challenge is to pave the way for new innovations by removing the legal restrictions on them. America has everything it needs within its borders to carry out the MAGA agenda.
Externally, it seems that the world is becoming increasingly malevolent and chaotic. This is part of the illusion we live in. So far, those who have protected their special interests have been able to operate in secret. However, all parasitic structures in the world are collapsing. The powerful energies radiating to the Earth affect human consciousness, and people are no longer manipulable.
Everything hidden is coming to light so that people can cleanse it in their minds. We all have the freedom to ‘separate the wheat from the chaff,’ that is, to determine which elements of the old world are worth preserving, what serves the new creation, and what should be discarded.
Surely everyone who desires constructive cooperation wishes success for the American MAGA movement. However, it seems that the USA is focusing on weakening its competitors. The USA refuses to accept the fact that the economic rise of BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member countries gives them a greater role in international affairs. The combined GDP of these countries already exceeds 50% of the world’s GDP. This disregard is evident, for example, in Washington’s attempt to bypass international law that ensures free competition. Instead, it wants to create its own “rules-based order,” which gives the United States undeserved advantages and suppresses competition.
However, it is unlikely that any American patriot wants their country to rise at the expense of other nations. Everyone wants fair competition, which is the highest goal of all self-respecting souls: to compete equally with others in the spirit of cooperation. Ultimately, we all compete with ourselves.
“BREAKING: The Veil Is About To Collapse…”
“Prepare For Contact…”