Breaking the Glass Ceiling
I had an unpleasant encounter with a doctor three weeks ago. Four years ago I was diagnosed with kidney cancer, which led to the removal of the kidney. Thanks to the operation, cancer metastasis, disappeared. However, the operation left me with severe nerve damage, which further restricted my mobility and from which I have still not recovered. Doctors have found gallstones and have discovered a potentially malignant tumour in the area of the kidney removed. That is why they have recommended a new operation. My blood is too thick and the doctors would treat it with a blood thinner.
I have refused surgery. When my kidney was removed, I stopped taking medicines, including vitamins. I don’t want any outside intervention to interfere with my body’s creation because I believe that the body itself has the ability to maintain the balance of my body and my health.
The doctor said that I would have died for sure if the cancer surgery had not been done. But I did not choose surgery because I thought surgery was the only option. At the time, it seemed the best option, because I did not want to start observing my body’s symptoms and speculating with doctors about what feeling was due to what and how I was feeling at any given moment. Personally, I would have treated the cancer with dietary changes and a brisk increase in exercise and waited for divine intervention.
When people talk about divine intervention, they are think about god who is above everything and who, being benevolent, helps us to free ourselves from our predicament. However, the meaning of the word divine is better described by the words superhuman, transcendental and intuitive. This indicates that it is action beyond human comprehension. The divine power is within our own bodies and, under favourable conditions, this power begins to operate holistically, causing all life-sustaining forces to work for us and further our goals. This manifests itself, for example, in the synchronisation of events, where we feel that things seem to fall into place as if by themselves. This can be called divine intervention.
In this way, our whole life is divine intervention, even the events we perceive as negative. From a 5D perspective, all people, despite their physical disabilities, are fully competent in a spiritual sense (key word: meditation effect). People have within them an infinite potential for spiritual growth, waiting to be activated. Our thoughts and feelings create an energy field that cooperates holistically with the intellectual energy field of the universe. People reap what they sow. What matters is whether our daytime consciousness is aligned with our higher self, our inner navigator. Nothing in God’s intelligent energy field is random coincidence.
Divine intervention in respect of cancer
The kidney tumour had not given any sign of itself. Its discovery was a ‘pure coincidence’: I had an examination, which the doctors assumed would require a minor operation, for which a CT scan was taken. The doctors spotted the tumour in the images. The kidney on the right side was disproportionately enlarged and had grown attached to the liver. It seemed miraculous that, despite the giant tumour, the kidney was functioning normally, which I think is an indication of the body’s ability to keep the body functioning properly.
One indication of the body’s ability to keep the body in balance was my experience when I came home from the hospital after a couple of days of tests. I came home on Friday night and by Saturday I was dead tired from the effects of the substances that had been injected and infused into my system during the examinations. I wrote about my experiences in February 2020 in my text I create my own reality I. I didn’t even have the strength to think about anything. So I immersed myself in meditation music and meditated for a total of 10 hours over the weekend. By Sunday evening, my thighs and upper body were fiery red. I was very happy and had the feeling that during the meditation my body had eliminated the contaminants in an accelerated process.
Before the kidney removal, doctors told me that metastases from kidney cancer often disappear when the actual tumour is removed. They could not say why this was. Perhaps it is just easier for the body to repair the damage caused by the kidney tumour and restore balance. This is exactly what happened to me: the metastases disappeared. The doctors of the cancer hospital took it ‘for granted’, but the doctor of the palliative care hospital thought it was a minor miracle. She said she had seen so many cases where the metastases simply did not go away.
Balancing the body
I wanted to treat cancer through dietary changes and increased physical activity, because I believed that the same simple law of physics applies to our bodies, which says that if you want to change a substance, change the environment it is in. When it comes to our bodies, there is no simpler way than dietary changes, because we are what we eat. Some say that cancer is the result of an overly acidic body, which causes the body’s own defence mechanisms to give up. Our bodies have swept the acidic elements under the carpet, into the tissues, and they take on a life of their own.
The antidote to an overly acidic body is an alkaline, plant-based diet with high-frequency energy vibrations. Parasites and bacteria do not live in an alkaline environment. This can be likened to moving from 3D to 5D consciousness. At a lower level of consciousness, our energy vibrates at a low frequency and we are vulnerable to manipulation and evil in the 3D world. At a higher level of consciousness there is no room for evil. Evil simply cannot live in the higher energies.
It was easy for me to make the dietary changes and it would have been just as easy for me to increase my physical activity, even though I had been paralysed for over 40 years at the time of my cancer diagnosis and had been using mainly electric wheelchairs for over 30 years. However, at my best, I could walk on an alter-gravity tredmill for half an hour and maintain a pace that I felt like a brisk walk. Although the AlterG treadmill did not specifically increase muscle strength, it had the same effects on my body as brisk walking: breathing became stronger, speech became clearer, blood flow increased, nerve pathways became stronger and activated muscles for even better performance. It got the endorphins (pleasure hormones) firing and cheeks flushing.
Current treatment recommendations prioritise the treatment of symptoms
However, doctors wanted to follow the national guidelines for cancer treatment and I had to live by it. It was possible to remove the tumour by removing the kidney and after some deliberation I agreed to the operation. I thought that at least it could not get any worse. The doctors did not mention anything about possible nerve damage caused by the operation.
As I have now refused surgical treatment as well as medical treatment, the doctors wrote me a referral to a palliative hospital. However, the doctor of the palliative hospital – with whom I had a genuine conversation – said that my place was not in the palliative hospital as they do not do examinations. Their patients are in hospice care. She wrote me a referral to the palliative outpatient clinic.
The doctor I met three weeks ago was a doctor in the palliative care clinic. I felt that there was no real communication between us. I found myself arguing with her about things I had talked with doctors about on several occasions. This was a little disappointing for me, because the doctor at the palliative care hospital fully understood my point of view. The doctor even arranged for me to have a blood test at my request. I was beginning to think that my treatment was going to go ahead on my terms. However, the doctor at the palliative care clinic stressed that they would observe my symptoms and be available if necessary if my condition worsened. All tests will be carried out as prescribed by the doctor, in collaboration with the patient.
However, I have no intention of starting to follow up with doctors about the symptoms of my body. My subjective experience is that my situation is not getting worse. I want to monitor how my diet and lifestyle changes can affect my blood, vascular and nervous system health, etc. “You can have as many tests as you want on the private side,” the doctor said, “but we will only do tests that the doctor thinks are necessary.”
Is this a way for doctors to move patients into private health care, away from being a burden on public health care, I asked myself. Be that as it may, I had the distinct feeling that health care as we know it has come to the end of its road.
Life Changes on Earth
In videos Quantum Leap of the Solar System and Galactic DNA Ascension, David Wilcock describes from an astrophysical perspective how cosmic energies change according to the cycles of life, the impact of change on matter and our consciousness. Consciousness is not only a state of mind, but a growth medium for all things, referred to as divine matrix, ether, qi, prana, etc. Our consciousness expands according to the stage of the cycle our solar system is in and our position in space.
Religions and our spiritual guides refer to this change by the word ascension. It is a natural part of the life cycle and refers to the changes in our physical body that result in the expansion of our consciousness, the alteration of our body’s DNA and the preparation of our bodies to handle powerful cosmic energies. The very idea that doctors would start treating people’s various ascension symptoms with traditional medical methods seems sinister.
Many consider talk of ascension to be nonsense, as there is no scientific evidence for it. However, the physics behind it has been proven many times over, but the studies of scientists who have done objective research have been systematically ignored. We tend to think that only scientifically proven things are credible. However, we ignore the fact that the science that the scientific community and the mainstream media pay attention to is as biased as the treatment politicians receive. Science has changed its nature and is better described by the expression ‘sci enti fic’, which is Latin, and which Google translates as ‘know that it is fiction’.
Because of the false assumptions of science, people have not been able to draw the right conclusions about things and are generally completely unaware of their own divine power. However, this is rapidly changing as more and more people wake up to reality. Life looks very different when we allow our inner navigator to guide our lives and we are in direct contact with the collective consciousness.
Galactic DNA Ascension!
Quantum Leap of the Solar System