Breaking the Glass Ceiling

I read a book 40-50 years ago about a community living in their own bubble under a dome. People didn’t even know they were living in a bubble until various events showed them the borders of the dome. The book was very dense and I don’t remember anything about what happened in it. I don’t even remember if I finished the book. However, the idea that someone could live in a bubble without being aware of it was fascinating.

When we talk about ‘living in a bubble’, we are usually referring to people who base their lives on the illusions and fabricated official truths of the 3D world. However, the powerful energies of September have made me feel that I myself am living in a kind of cosmic bubble. I don’t want to pretend that everything is amazing and wonderful when we step onto the spiritual path and awaken to ancient truths that have a definitive meaning in the material world as well.

After publishing the first part of this article, I had a clear vision of what I would write in the second part. However, the energies of September were so turbulent in my life that I felt like a stranger in my own life and that I was not in control of my life at all. Everything I thought I knew about healthy eating and keeping my nervous system in as good shape as possible seemed to be worth nothing. My stomach felt like shit, even though my diet have consisted for several months almost exclusively of fresh vegetables and fruit. All strength was gone from my limbs. Suddenly I couldn’t move my legs an inch and there was a gnawing pain all over my body.

I felt like I had moved to another timeline and everything felt strange. I got a concrete indication of this when I watched the debate between Frank Jacob and Jean Nolan about the distorted historiography of the Second World War. I’ve written a lot about this on my blog, but I felt like it had happened in a past life. The things that at the time of my writing gave me overwhelming feelings of anguish did not touch me at all.

I read several years ago on the WWII Truth website (no longer active) that the Holocaust narrative that dominates the world was created after the war in Britain by a unit of psychological operations (PsyOp) set up by the army to spread a sense of the horrors of war among the people. The first Holocaust documentary produced in Hollywood was directed by Alfred Hitchcock, known for his horror films.

It can be said that the creation of the Psychological Operations Unit was one of the first hybrid warfare operations after the Second World War, along with Operation Paperclip and the creation of the UN. Hybrid warfare has directly targeted ordinary people and has been aimed at making people wake up to the falsehood of the 3D world.

However, the treatment meted out to historians who do unbiased historical research and journalists who report on corrupt practices in society clearly shows the reluctance of people to face the truth and live according to their inner guidance and intuition.

Today, even many people who consider themselves ‘awakened’ and spiritual still swallow the official truths and their illusions. Many are waiting for a saviour to come along, who will judge the wrongdoers, so that a golden age in the world can begin. But the belief in a saviour is as little true as the illusions we cherish. Our own inner energies attract everything we come into contact with. When our inner energies match what we want to experience, we save ourselves.

Our Attitudes and Beliefs Are a Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Anneke Lucas, whose mother sold her to a pedophile ring to be an elite sex slave when she was six, says in a video that child abusers wanted to make them feel like perpetrators, and wallow in guilt, self-pity and misery. On ‘appropriate’ occasions, children were ordered to kill each other, which made them feel part of a ring of evildoers. Anneke carried the guilt of her experiences for decades. The real healing from the trauma began when she re-experienced her own innocence, realising that she didn’t really want to kill the children and animals she killed.

The distortion of history and the various PsyOp operations have the same goal. On top of all the brainwashing, we are taught from childhood that people are inherently evil and we cannot trust our own judgement. People are encouraged to seek the opinions of ‘experts’ and weigh everything in a ‘democratic’ scale. Films about heroes who live by their hearts and intuition and use common sense are in short supply.

A Good Person

In many cultures, sincere people who trust even strangers are considered stupid. They are made fun of, as seen for example in the fact that Youtube is full of videos laughing at ‘gullible fools’ who are apparently supposed to be embarrassed of their ‘stupidity’. No wonder people are afraid to listen to their hearts and seek the divine side of themselves. People’s energy is spent in doubt and wondering what trap might lie behind what.

I had a very positive experience in this respect when I studied in China in the early 1990s. My credit card did not work and the first thing I did when I went to Hong Kong was to try to find a bank where I could sort it out with a bank officer. As I was riding my electric wheelchair in a random street in Hong Kong’s main town, I was approached by a young man who said that there was a road construction site a short distance away on that street and that my journey would end there.

I gathered my thoughts and explained to this young man that I was looking for a bank where I could get money with my credit card. After a short walk we came to a bank. There were stairs in front of the bank, so I couldn’t go there myself to talk to a bank officer. After explaining my situation to the young man I had just met, I gave him my passport and credit card and asked him to find out what the problem was with the credit card and whether I could get money from the bank with it.

Only after he disappeared into the bank did I realise what I had done: I had given my passport and credit card to a complete stranger and he could do anything with them. I sat on hot coals for a while. But when the man stepped out of the bank with the documents in his hand, it seemed as if nothing else could have happened. He gave me my money and said there was no problem with the credit card.

As we became better friends, my new acquaintance told me that he had returned home to Hong Kong the previous week from Australia, where he had spent several years studying finance. The next day we spent the whole day together during my stay in Hong Kong (my regards to Xiao Lei).

The point of this story is not to say that people should blindly trust everyone. I wanted to share the story to say that this kind of things also happen. In my experience, most people are trustworthy. We ourselves, with our inner energies, attract everything that happens to us. A good person does not calculate, does not doubt, but is naturally guided by their heart and intuition. Wayne Dyer, an American psychologist and life skills coach, says in a video that a good person doesn’t even know they are good. Compassion is his essence, regardless of the situation.

Our Fears and Demons Are Reflected in the Material World

It is good to be aware of the potential risks in every respect, but we should not let our fears determine our lives. Jesus told us to be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16).

Spiritual growth and soul evolution depend entirely on overcoming our fears and the images of demons that our minds cherish. Even many spiritual teachers stress the reality of demons and evil spirits and their influence in our lives, while on the other hand they speak of the illusory nature of the material world. Illusions are delusions created by our minds and we each have within us the power to free ourselves from them.

Breaking free from illusions and delusions requires discernment and unrelenting determination. Discernment and determination are not based on the ego’s thoughts and logic, which are grounded in the material world. Discernment is based on intuition and the ability of our inner navigator to see things in a broader perspective. Our intuitive heart interprets the events and messages of the material world from the perspective of the collective consciousness. The fact that a person does not understand on an egoic level what is happening in their life does not necessarily mean that they are not in control of their life. The ego’s lack of awareness has nothing to do with our true self.

Breaking Free from the Vicious Circle of Karma

The entities that enslave the world do everything they can to prevent man from experiencing his divine origin, so that he would really begin to trust his inner navigator. We are constantly told that evil is man’s original sin, that we cannot trust our own judgement, but can only rely on the ‘objective’ truth presented by so-called experts. Negative entities want people to feel that they are evil criminals, to wallow in self-pity and misery.

Hardly any official truth of today is so deeply ingrained in people’s minds worldwide as the story of the Holocaust and the demonisation of Hitler. Subconsciously, people associate Nazism with human original sin and inherent evil. The official truth about Hitler’s Nazism should not even be questioned, and ordinary people are doing in this respect exactly what the enslavers of humanity want: that is, silencing all critical voices, and thus showing their own submission to their authority.

When I first realised that Hitler did not systematically carry out any holocaust, it was as if a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders. It was a release from the images of original sin that I had nurtured in my mind since my youth. My mind was filled with the feeling that human beings are fundamentally good and, guided by their intuitive hearts, are realising their ultimate essence, which is love, compassion and constructive cooperation. However, impartial scientists and politicians who question official truths are generally branded by the ‘better people’ who live within the framework of conventions of the 3D world as evildoers ‘flirting with the devil’.

People don’t see that Adolf Hitler acted as anyone would have acted once he had been given the position of trust that he filled. His primary goal was to lift the German people out of the misery into which they had sunk after the First World War. It only takes common sense to understand that growth and prosperity require a peaceful social environment. War was not Hitler’s goal. He made 30 peace proposals to the All-Lies before Winston Churchill and other warmongers escalated the war.

Almost 80 years after the Second World War, the world is still ruled by the same warring forces. The war is being fought on many fronts. Donald Trump says he will end the war in Ukraine when he becomes president. He used the same rhetoric in 2016 when he said he would end the war in the Middle East. What happened? After his statements eight years ago, Trump – as are his other Christian compatriots – is one of the staunchest supporters of the Zionist regime that has been at war for decades. This ensures that the genocide in the Middle East will continue unabated.

What Do We Choose?

Over the millennia, the world has seen who knows how many ‘great resets’. Concrete evidence of this can be seen around the world. The truth is out in the open, even though the powers that be try to suppress it through censorship. But what is most important in this respect is whether people censor themselves, i.e. whether they surrender to the elite.

People with open minds, seeing eyes and hearing ears are able to interpret the hints of the material world. It is easy for people to see the influence of negative entities on life on Earth. Many are outraged that for centuries citizens have been brainwashed into believing lies. However, we do not have to react to lies on any emotional level. In the real world, it is enough to see things as they are.

What matters is what we choose in each moment. It should be as easy for people to see the impact of positive as negative forces on life on Earth, if they so choose. We cannot change the choices of past generations, and we cannot blame anyone for our own choices. If we continually ignore the messages and actions of benevolent star races and our galactic family with a shrug of the shoulders, it is our own choice. To evolve into the best version of ourselves we must learn to tolerate uncertainty and allow everything to happen naturally on its own terms in a spirit of love and cooperation.


Frank Jacob (interviewed by Jean Nolan)
The Naked Truth #6
Hitler, Churchill, Fake WW2 History & Gnosticism
Jean Nolan:
Earth Doesn’t Feel Like Home? You’re NOT Alone!
Jean Nolan:
WEATHER WARS: Is America Under Attack? (Hurricane Milton)
Jean Nolan:
The BIGGEST PSYOP In Human History is Still Running!
The Arcturian Council Of 5 (T’EEAH)
You are Free, and You have Always been Free!
The Truth Can Change Your Life:
The Lyran Collective (Shehkti):