-I AM-
Meant to be the Best Version of Myself
I am sure many people are wondering about the choice of domain (.info – my old domain extension) for my blog. I am so far from the 5D world that I don’t even know how to approach the topic, let alone how to inform other people. However, I intend to continue this blog with the same attitude as the previous one. This is not an info site in the sense that I feel the need to educate other people. This blog is a reflection of my own growth.
I am no longer talking about spiritual growth, because spiritual growth refers to the expansion of ego awareness. In 5D consciousness one has already broken free from the limitations of ego awareness. From this new perspective, I am talking about the evolution of the soul. 5D consciousness evolves with the rise of the energy vibration, and the higher the vibration rises the more we are connected with our inner being and the intuition of the heart. Thus we have immediate access to the consciousness of the Universe.
As I was building my last blog, I discovered that I am the most influential source of inspiration for myself. When I was approaching black holes (getting depressed) and started to read my own writings, my mood miraculously rose to new heights. My ego spent time asking me what this was all about and seemed to know that it was all nonsense, but my writings were lighting up my day.
I have come a long way since I fell into a black hole 20 years ago, and I could not appreciate anything I had achieved. The only solution seemed to be to kill myself. I left that black hole also behind.
As a child, before my little sister was born, I was the apple of my mother’s eye and the object of her pampering. We were once going to the woods to pick blueberries when I said to my mother: “Carry your sweetheart on your shoulders, let the kids follow behind.”
That sums up the idea of this blog. I want to let my intuition carry me where I need to go. I am both a student and a teacher, just as parents learn from their children’s choices and grow as parents. Followers of this blog can let my choices guide their own lives or leave them as they are. Other people have their own soul path. I believe that everyone will find their way.
The Unlimited Knowledge of the Universe