open book depicting illumination and transparency

From Random Thoughts to Spiritual Insights: Politics and Spiritual Bypassing

When I started writing my previous article last Monday, I felt a strong urge to address recent political events. However, as I delved deeper into the issues, my writing shifted from politics to spiritual bypassing, a concept I didn’t initially quite understand. By Friday morning, my article seemed like a collection of random thoughts. But…

A bright picture of Earth from space with planets and other space elements, including portals to other worlds

Embracing Change: Creating a New World with Open Hearts and Minds

Introduction The idea of our galactic family and the existence of the Galactic Federation fascinates many. For years, we have heard about the impending technological advancements: medbeds that allow us to heal instantly, free energy that powers our homes, anti-gravity technology that revolutionizes movement, and a vision of a harmonious, loving world. Despite these expectations,…

Celebrate the Power of Unity and Self-Love

Discover the Perfect Love Within

Valentine’s Day is known around the world as a celebration of romance and romantic love. In Finland, February 14th is celebrated as Ystävänpäivä, a day that celebrates friendship and the bond between people. Ystävänpäivä encourages us to appreciate our friends and loved ones, fostering a sense of unity, community and connection. One of the most…

Jonathan Livingston seagull flying and having astral travel in a mysterious environment.

Elizabeth April – Insights Gained Through Astral Travels and Remote Viewing

At the beginning of this year, I discovered a new YouTube personality when Elizabeth April’s predictions for 2025 appeared in my recommended videos. While the predictions themselves weren’t new to me, what was new was how Elizabeth arrived at her insights: since her teenage years, she has had the ability to step outside her body,…

Jonathan Livingston Seagull flying in a fresh morning breeze

Utilizing AI for Creative Focus and Spiritual Awakening: Finding Love Within

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth. My recent collaboration with Copilot has been a testament to this potential. Last week, we successfully integrated all the missing elements from my old blog into my new website. I felt the need to…

Our Mission to Create a New World

Our Mission to Create a New World

The Great Reset: A Spiritual Perspective In recent years, the term “The Great Reset” has been widely discussed, often translated in a way that emphasizes its finality. This has led to various doomsday assumptions surfacing in discussions. However, a more accurate translation of the word ‘reset’ is ‘restart’, ‘rebirth’. Thus, a more fitting translation of…