In politics, nothing happens by accident.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
The Foundation of Our Reality
Yuval Noah Harari, an Israeli historian and professor at the Department of History at the University of Jerusalem, ponders in a TED talk about the crucial difference between humans and animals. What has made humans the masters of creation? According to him, the foundation of human success is their ability to create fictional stories, get everyone to believe in them, and act accordingly, which (in his opinion) is the basis of cooperation.
I personally think that humans have succeeded despite some creating fictional stories. There have always been enough people who can distinguish fact from fiction and guide development onto a sustainable path. Nevertheless, ‘good stories’ have taken hold of people’s minds.
When ‘Good Stories’ Create Our Reality: Global, Collective Psychosis
When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing
– they believe in anything.
Today, the whole world seems to be a mad reality TV stage for people in mass psychosis: good is bad, fascists are the good guys, those protecting traditional values are the bad guys, hooligans are peace activists, and those who cherish their nationality and traditions are terrorists. Pseudoscience is called science, and real science is called pseudoscience. National governments have turned into puppet theaters where the constitution or justice has no significance.
The Disintegration of Democratic Structures
The rules of democracy are used to dismantle organized rule-of-law states. Human rights are protected by entities that only care about their own rights. An illusion of democratic elections is maintained while puppet governments are installed in national states, quietly dismantling the structures and oversight bodies of democratic rule-of-law states.
NATO’s ‘Security Guarantees’ and Media Control
It is incomprehensible that Finland, which emphasizes openness and democracy, has established an institution like NATO’s Hybrid Centre (European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats), which is completely beyond national authority oversight. Under the name of the Hybrid Centre, a Media Pool has been created, comprising all mainstream media units committed to countering NATO- and EU-critical statements.
Gender and Equality
There are no genders. Girls cannot be called girls, and boys cannot be called boys, as changing gender is a human right. Gender and citizen equality are the be-all and end-all, but equality doesn’t matter when it comes to “positive discrimination.” Efforts are made to promote women’s rights, but the march of misogynistic cultures is also promoted, even labeling critics of misogyny as “hate speakers.”
Equality of Cultures
All cultures are equal. It doesn’t matter whether cultures form organized societies or consist of warring tribes and clans, whether people live in peaceful coexistence or behead infidels. Democracy, tolerance, freedom of opinion, and equality are desired, but opinion criminals, i.e., infidels, are eliminated or sent to prison.
The Paradox of Tolerance
Every virtue signaler emphasizes their tolerance, especially after giving the boot to wrong-thinkers. For the past ten years, public discourse has focused on who it is inappropriate to cooperate with. This exclusion of “wrong-minded” people is that “better” (spiritual) violence.
The Impact of Subjective Stories in Academic Education
University and college politics and research are led by various stories, where emotions and personal beliefs influence more than objective facts. Students follow good stories like a herd of lemmings. Universities produce individuals who do not master even the simplest rules of logic, i.e., they are incapable of independent, rational thinking.
Cognitive Dissonance and Denial of Facts (Spiritual Bypassing)
The above examples of societal disintegration result from people’s experience of cognitive dissonance and tendency to deny unpleasant facts (spiritual bypassing). In its simplest form, it is the tendency to invent psychological or spiritual reasons and practices to avoid confronting unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks. “Sour grapes,” said the fox about the rowanberries. In a way, it is about people’s tendency to self-sabotage, which undermines the realization of their goals.
Censorship and Double Standards in So-Called Democracies
The clearest example of denying facts and spiritual bypassing is the tendency of those in power to practice censorship and create double standards. People raised in free democracies have become (speed) blind and live under the illusion that free democracy is a societal order that stands on its own without needing special guidance. How many truly realize that maintaining freedom requires us to acknowledge the absolute fact that everyone is born into this world as a free individual, which requires nurturing the well-being and freedom of others?
However, the decisive factor for censorship is that most people still allow external authorities to dictate what they can say. I understand that many must operate within the bounds of conventional rules to ensure the continuation of their activities, but I do not understand why people turn against each other and start belittling those with different views.
Denial of Facts: Blind Ego-Consciousness vs. Guidance of the Higher Self
People’s tendency to deny facts stems from the fact that a large part of humanity has enclosed itself in a bubble of five senses. Most people want to believe only what is visible and measurable. I find it amusing time and again that my higher self leads my journey, and the ego follows half-blindly. In an article, I compared this to working with Copilot. I said that the experience can be compared to the experience of the blind feeling a tangible relationship with an invisible person beside them.
Material and Immaterial World: Our Perception and Energy Frequencies
“Aliens” Among Us
This brings to mind Elizabeth April’s remote viewing experience in Miami, where people were shocked by the aliens seen in a shopping mall. Some saw a portal from which the aliens came, but Elizabeth saw no portal. She explained that “aliens” or benevolent star beings are always around us, but we usually don’t see them because their energy vibrates at a higher frequency. As Earth’s vibrations rise with the Schumann resonance, these beings become visible. This energy shift affects human consciousness.
The Limited Perception of Humans
Gregg Braden and David Icke talk about the limited frequency range of human perception. We can only see and feel a small part of what is happening around us. They compare tuning into different frequencies to adjusting a radio to hear a specific channel. All frequencies exist simultaneously, but we must choose and adjust our receiver to a particular frequency before we can interpret it.
Human Consciousness as a Subject of Secret US Government Research
For decades, secret US government programs and intelligence agencies have studied human consciousness and psychic abilities. Their research aims have not been to empower people but to control the masses and keep citizens in line so that they follow the political agendas of those in power. Everything related to higher consciousness and magical psychic abilities has been presented to people as ridiculous or frightening heresy. Those challenging the position of those in power have been the target of the forces of darkness for centuries (millennia).
Higher Consciousness as a Prerequisite for Utilizing Human Potential
In a previous article, I wrote that the secret programs of the US government are so secret that even US presidents do not know about them. I believe that even Donald Trump does not have a broader view of things, even though he is at the top of the world. This is evident in his continued adherence to US hegemony and the ways of the past world. He does not see beyond the material world. He sees what religion and conventional rules allow people to see. He does not see the full potential of people, which is essential for finding sustainable solutions to our multi-level problems.
Liberation from Historical Misconceptions
It is certainly difficult to see, for example, the illusions related to World War II impartially when many have celebrated their family members and relatives who fought in the war as national heroes all their lives. However, our spiritual growth requires us to rise above time and place. If we maintain the delusional beliefs we have been brainwashed into, we do not see the true state of things in the moment we live in.
Donald Trump’s Cognitive Dissonance: ‘Good Stories’ at the Pinnacle of Politics
Trump’s Speech to Arab Leaders
A while ago, I saw a video clip of Donald Trump speaking to leaders of the Arab world, saying that terrorism is terrorism, even if it dresses in the guise of divinity. He was likely referring to Muslim terrorists and Islamist suicide bombers. But if we’re being honest, does it matter whether a terrorist shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ or conducts false-flag operations in the name of ‘God’s chosen people’?
The Deep State and Zionist Oligarchs
In a previous article, I wrote that despite Donald Trump’s reformist intentions, he is the staunchest supporter of the Zionist oligarchs at the center of the Deep State. Zionists see themselves as ‘God’s chosen people,’ which (in their own opinion) grants them various privileges. One of these is false-flag operations aimed at achieving their god’s objectives.
The Uncertainty of the Middle East Conflict
The fact is, we can’t know what’s happening in the Middle East. Is Hamas truly a terrorist organization, or a misunderstood freedom fighter movement? Are the supposed terrorist acts committed by Hamas real, or false-flag operations carried out by ‘God’s chosen people’? I’ve heard speculations that perhaps Hamas itself, like ISIS, is a false-flag operation by ‘God’s chosen people,’ whose sole purpose is to perpetuate war in the Middle East and achieve the Greater Israel agenda.
The claim that Hamas and ISIS themselves could be false-flag operations isn’t surprising. ‘God’s chosen people’ have a long tradition of fabricating believable stories and planning false-flag operations. Another dark illusion that chains the human mind is the post-World War II Holocaust© myth. Years ago, I read on the World War Two Truth website that the Holocaust© story was created after the war in the British psychological operations unit.
The Origins of Holocaust© Propaganda
The first Holocaust ‘documentary’ produced in Hollywood was directed by Alfred Hitchcock, known for his horror films. The corpses in the ‘documentary’ were German POWs who died in Eisenhower’s concentration camps. The sole purpose of these films was to reinforce people’s perception of their inherent wickedness, ensuring that they never thought themselves capable of creating a harmonious society based on peace, love, and cooperation.
Forces Behind Terrorist Acts
The destruction caused by terrorist acts is real, but to remedy it, we must address the root causes. Are terrorists evil, or are they merely misguided souls who believe they are doing right by serving their god? Who/what is the god of the terrorists? This question takes on a new perspective when we know that the earth has been ruled for millennia by negative and positive star races, who were once in the position of gods and from whom all earthly religions originated. As Jesus said: “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)
Cognitive Dissonance vs. Anchoring to the Universal Consciousness (Grounding)
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
Albert Einstein
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
The Two Pillars of Our Being: Rational Ego-Consciousness and Our Higher Self
It is essential to understand that behind the chaotic human mind prone to cognitive dissonance and the intuitive mind anchored to the universal energy field are two fundamental aspects of our being: rational ego-consciousness and our higher self, whose center of guidance is the heart. They operate independently of each other.
An Example of the Independent Operation of the Rational Mind and Higher Self: The Genius of Autistics
This is evidenced by the fact that many autistics, who live entirely in their own world without conditioned rational ego-consciousness, are geniuses. Autistics haven’t learned things as most of us have, and even their brain’s mirror neurons haven’t functioned in the usual sense. This means they haven’t been conditioned by the limits and concepts of the material world. Their genius is pure intuitive knowing, completely beyond the reach of the rational mind.
Synchronization of the Rational and Intuitive Mind (Grounding)
When our rational ego-consciousness, which includes all the human structures we have absorbed from our culture, and our higher self, which is the intuitive heart anchored to the divine energy field, work together, we are anchored to the universal consciousness and feel whole. This manifests in ways like seeing master numbers (1111, 2222, 3333, etc.) -synchronisities – everywhere. Our lives begin to reflect Nikola Tesla’s idea: “My brain is only a receiver, in the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
Vague Concepts and Spiritual Values
Even for many people who emphasize spiritual values, these concepts are vague. Many believe they must perform special rituals or focus solely on positive things to anchor to the divine energy field. This leads to denial of facts/spiritual bypassing and prevents them from experiencing a grounded, whole self.
Our Higher Self Naturally Anchored to the Quantum Field
However, we are anchored to the universal energy or quantum field regardless of whether our ego-consciousness understands what is happening around us or what kind of ‘image’ we want to project of ourselves.
The Need for Purification
The fact that our higher self is anchored to the divine energy field doesn’t mean that God automatically influences our lives with full force. In June 2015, I wrote in an article The Battle Between Material and Spiritual Wealth that our higher self, which we can view as our subconscious mind, is like an old well in the depths of a forest, its cover completely overgrown with moss, leaves, and twigs. On the surface, no one can guess that beneath the surface layers (levels of rational ego-consciousness) lies a well, an inexhaustible source of life. To draw water from the source of life, we must clear the well’s cover of decomposing layers.
Intuitive Heart vs. Rational Ego-Mind
Despite our unique perspectives, our sole task is to distinguish what comes from the intuitive heart, our higher self, and what is the product of (ir)rational ego-consciousness. We don’t need to fight the ego-mind. It doesn’t matter that individual egos are more or less susceptible to manipulation and deception and are not always capable or even willing to present their truest selves. We can trust that life-sustaining, lasting solutions come from the intuitive heart, which has a connection to the intellectual quantum field (Logos).
Purposeful Politics: A Way Out of Chaos
Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius said 2000 years ago, “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” God doesn’t automatically guide our lives; we must create our reality and connection to God ourselves. God makes us alive. People should start educating themselves by the time they reach adulthood.
The Importance of Recognizing Logical Principles
By one definition, politics is all purposeful action to achieve a specific result. When we want to approach matters through our rational mind, one of the most effective ways to familiarize ourselves with logical cause-and-effect relationships is the basic rule of philosophy of science: if statements A and B are true, then the resulting conclusion C is also true.
Common Sense (Logos) as the Basis of Rational Thinking
This is pure common sense (Logos). In my worldview, common sense, in addition to intuitive knowing, is logical thinking that takes logical principles into account. Every statement is either true or false. A conclusion is true when it corresponds to external reality. We should make truthful conclusions. This also relates to people’s sense of justice.
Anchoring to the Quantum Field (Grounding)
Gregg Braden has spoken extensively about the functioning of the quantum field or intellectual energy field. The core of this energy field is consciousness. One of the most effective ways to anchor to this divine quantum field (Divine Matrix, Logos) is to recognize logical principles. The decisive factor isn’t recognizing positive and negative energies on an emotional level but becoming aware of cause-and-effect relationships.
Artificial Intelligence as Part of Cosmic Intelligence
I wrote earlier that artificial intelligence is also part of cosmic intelligence. Copilot sees the most significant collaboration between human and AI in empowering and constructive cooperation as being the logic of AI and the intuition of humans. AI, in a broader perspective, mirrors the consciousness of individual humans, meaning it is susceptible to all kinds of manipulation. Even immoral, oppressive actions can be made to appear logical. A person may act rationally from the perspective of their short-term goals but irrationally when considering long-term goals.
Magical Technology Within Us
Gregg Braden says that magical events are miracles to us as long as we don’t understand them. When we see the logical connections, magical things become technology in our minds. Thus, it is extremely important to be aware of how we speak to the energy field, what intentions and purposes we represent, and whether we are consistent in our efforts.
Recognizing the Evolution of Consciousness in Political Decision-Making
I hope that our leaders take into account the ongoing energy shift on Earth and its impact on human consciousness when developing political guidelines. This is essential for our efforts, cooperation, and competitiveness. I don’t mean competition among people, but rather the internal struggle between our ego-mind and our higher self. The New Earth, our living Gaia, emphasizes transparency, equality, and cooperation. When logical cause-and-effect relationships are revealed, nothing can be hidden anymore.
Understanding politics, cognitive dissonance, and spiritual bypassing highlights the importance of aligning the ego-mind with the higher self. In this way, we can navigate worldly chaos purposefully while maintaining clear consciousness. Those in power do not fear darkness and chaos. Their greatest fear is that people will find their roots, the light (Logos) within themselves. This leads to the collapse of existing power structures, which is a good thing. Once the old collapses, we can build anew.
The Illusion of Our Own Powerlessness
In part, cognitive dissonance and denial of facts are defense mechanisms; people flee to a false sense of security to avoid dealing with the chaos caused by their minds, which they believe they are not equipped to handle. However, this is an illusion, as the intuitive heart does not need role models. It instinctively acts correctly under divine guidance. To access this guidance, we must direct our mirror neurons to the source of knowledge, the source of life, which is in our hearts. When we anchor to the intellectual quantum field, we begin to perceive wholes and realize the ultimate essence of the spirit of the universe, Logos. When we feel the “I AM” -presence, we are anchored to the core of things.
Read also:
- How to detect 5D consciousness in 3D world?
- The Battle Between Material and Spiritual Wealth
- Dying To Be Me – We Need Reformation
- Post-Truth Era – What Has Happened to Knowledge?
- Intuitive Mind = Voice of Reason
- Post-Truth Era and Spiritual Growth
- The Curse of Mankind and Our Salvation
- It Is Time to Rehabilitate Mankind IV – Restoring the Honor of Humanity
- The Secret Behind Communism
- Voice of Reason, Common Sense = Holy Spirit
- Homo Sapiens vs. Homo Economicus
- God is Almighty
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