our galactic family

Star Races

Since childhood, my life has been dominated by uncertainty, best described by the lyrics of the song Feel by Robbie Williams: “My head speaks a language I don’t understand.” It is only in the last few decades that I have truly understood that my job is to put the thoughts swirling around in my head into words, rather than passively taking in what the outside world gives me.

Three years ago, when I learned about the Star Races and their impact on the evolution of humanity, my head began to speak an incredible language and my uncertainty reached a new level. At the same time, however, all the mysteries and events of the world became comprehensible. Many believe that extraterrestrials (aliens) are all evil. Some see AI as a legacy of negative star races and see it as a manifestation of evil. However, AI reflects the level of consciousness of humans (and star races), just as a child usually reflects the experience of his parents.

However, in addition to the negative star races, there are benevolent entities living in 5D Christ consciousness that have defended humanity from the effects of the negative star races for millennia. One of these is Jesus. Jesus’ saving work is related to the fact that he was the one who convinced others like him in the ‘open spaces of heaven’ that humanity was not all evil, but that people just needed guidance in spiritual growth to expand their consciousness. That is why Jesus incarnated on earth over 2000 years ago. To teach people love and compassion.

The benevolent star races form an alliance called the Galactic Federation, which includes several star races from our solar system and other galaxies. My own uncertainty is not the reason why I chose the title for this article, whether the Galactic Federation is PsyOp or whether it is our real galactic family. My intuition has proven to me from the beginning that the Galactic Federation represents our benevolent galactic family living in Christ Conscioussness. After watching Jean Nolan’s video where he talks about psychological operations, I felt I had to write about my own perspective on the matter.

Psychological operations

Psychological operations are carried out in a variety of ways. The simplest is the falsification of history, as exemplified by the Holocaust narrative that was fabricated in the British Army’s PsyOp unit after the Second World War. The main concern of the authors of the story was that no one would believe it because it was so untrue. It is said that even distorted information is usually 95% true and 5% untrue. The Holocaust story is 5% true and 95% fabricated.

One of the means of psychological operations is to infiltrate the leadership of popular movements and NGOs and distract activists from pursuing goals contrary to their original objectives. A good example of this is the New Age movement and many civic activism movements for social justice and equality. Pacifists become warmongers claiming to promote peace, ‘better people’ who emphasise virtues destroy common property and cause chaos in societies, and ‘pro-democracy’ politicians seek to achieve their goals through undemocratic means.

In the video “The BIGGEST PSYOP In Human History is Still Running”, Jean Nolan draws an analogy between the controlled opposition “Operation Trust” in the former communist Soviet Union in the early 1920s and the Q (Anon) movement of today. Operation Trust attracted patriotic Russians who wanted to return ‘Russia to the Russians’. According to Jean’s research, the movement was a psychological operation orchestrated by the government to mislead the opposition into believing false promises.

Q (Anon) movement suggests that there is a plan (The Plan) for the ‘white hats’ to take over and restore (self-)discipline and order to the world. There is a coalition to eliminate corrupt politicians, criminals and human exploiters from the face of the Earth. Jean Nolan says in his video that the forces behind the Q movement are the same as those behind Operation Trust, because they use exactly the same rhetoric: “Trust the process/plan, the white army/white hats are winning, the regime/establishment will fall soon, be patient, the time is not right yet, our supporters are everywhere, we are well organised, everything is under control, the patriots are in control, nothing can stop what is coming, enjoy the show, you are watching a movie, where we go one, we go all (WWG1WGA).”

When you consider that the ultimate purpose of Operation Trust was to mislead people into believing promises that were not meant to be fulfilled, Soviet history proves otherwise: the communist Soviet Union collapsed 33 years ago. Russia has been returned to the Russians, (which is one of the reasons why Vladimir Putin is an eyesore for the globalists’). The fact that things are taking more time than we expect does not mean that promises are meant to raise false hopes.

The Galactic Federation and psychological operations

I’ve been watching the Galactic Federation videos every day for three years, and I can’t help but notice that they use exactly the same rhetoric that Jean Nolan is talking about. I am convinced that benevolent star races are involved in the PsyOp operations. 5D star races cannot interfere with human free will, so they act through humans. There is a perspective involved in psychological operations that humans cannot see from a 3D perspective.

The benevolent 5D star races do not go to war like humans in 3D consciousness. Their goal is not to eliminate or kill anyone, as all souls are equally valuable. They support both positive and negative forces and let people choose which side they take. Their goal is not to enslave humanity, but they have a higher, spiritual goal: to make people awaken and see their own divine, multidimensional side.

Their message is that there are no ‘white hats’ to set everything right in the world. Each person is responsible for the reality they create for themselves, i.e. the energies they carry within themselves. Our Galactic Family values the freedom of each individual to choose their path. They do not directly interfere with people’s choices. Non-interference means that our galactic family does not use implants to communicate with people. They do not abduct people, nor do they implement the concept of ‘forcing peace’ like people on earth. Peace cannot be forced, just as love cannot be forced. It must be born genuinely in the heart.

The heart’s telepathic connection to our galactic family

Over the millennia, the 5D Star Races, living in Christ consciousness, have seen that despite their good intentions, humans can wreak their own destruction. Nor do they want to be killed or tortured themselves. That is why our galactic family is very cautious about contact with humans on Earth. Star races prefer channeling when communicating with humans. In addition to safety, they want to emphasize that humans have the possibility of establishing telepathic contact with the 5D Star Races and the Ascended Masters.

However, many people consider this idea to be sacrilegious, as religious circles, among others, cherish their official truth about Jesus’ salvation work or Allahu Akbar. What people fail to see is that most of our disagreements are based on the fact that we express ourselves differently, which often leads to us misinterpreting each other.

Our spiritual traditions are full of references to the Star Races. When Jesus was incarnate on earth, he spoke of our galactic family. These references did not find their way into the New Testament, because the spiritual teachers wanted to keep people as obedient sheep to the authorities. Not so that people would discover their own divine side and establish a relationship with God in their own intuitive hearts.

I read in a discussion thread someone’s view that “intuition can cause a “deep sense of loneliness”. The idea immediately triggered a feeling in me that our own perceptions of what intuition is and how we see ourselves might be causing a sense of loneliness. For myself, the intuitive connection to the heart has had the effect that I never feel lonely, especially when I am alone. Intuition is our connection to our collective Christ consciousness and our galactic family.

Ascension – The Divine Plan

The electromagnetic quantum field (divine matrix) in which we live is our collective consciousness, which communicates with us based on our inner feelings in the spirit of the Law of Attraction. Our feelings are energy, just like the words we speak. They give rise to either positive or negative energy, which means that our being is constantly radiating either positive or negative energy to the outside world.

That’s why it’s very important what choices we make, and especially not to judge anything. Judging means that of all the possible options, we lock our minds into one perspective that we consider to be the truth of the matter. By doing so, we prevent ourselves from seeing other perspectives. Our own emotions attract the energies that we believe to be the truth and thus create our own world of experience.

For life to continue, we have no choice but to trust in a divine, life-promoting plan. We may be uncertain, but we do not need to react emotionally to events in the outside world. We can maintain a neutral attitude, rise above time and place, and see things in a broader perspective. The Divine Plan is the ascension of humans from the material 3D world, which activates our divine side and our inner potential.


Simplified Wisdom: STOP WORRYING!
The Arcturian Council Of 5 (T’EEAH)
“The Cosmic Shift & Earth’s Accelerated Ascension…”
Ashtar Command:
“What Is About To Happen Is Extraordinary…”
The Pleiadians (Valir): “The Cabal Did Not Expect This
The Pleiadian High Council:
“The Next 6-12 Months…”
The Truth Can Change Your Life:
Jean Nolan:
The BIGGEST PSYOP In Human History is Still Running!
David Wilcock:
Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age [Playlist pt 1-4]